Beginning of an Adventure

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Light brushes against her nose awoke Aubrey from her drunken slumber. Midnight had found a way to cuddle with her on top of her head as she laid on the couch in her living room. Opening one eye, she realized that she didn't make it to her bedroom last night after catching a cab home.

The sun creeped up against the horizon and the view was beautiful out of her huge picture window that faced downtown Manhattan, boy did she love the upper east side.

Her head throbbed as she sat up, a hangover was definitely in the works. Grabbing her phone from the floor, she realized she had 4 missed calls from her mom.

She decided to call her back after she cured her hangover. Her mom could always tell, and she hated for Aubrey to drink; but after the news she received in Cali, she needed it. Her kidneys were already screwed anyway the way she saw it. With her disease now at Stage III, she was starting to think, it's time to knock off a few things from her bucket list.

She walked into the bathroom with Midnight following close behind. Looking into the mirror plastered on the wall, she realized the change in her appearance.

Her face was thinner, hair was thinner, she looked like she was falling apart. As much as she kept telling herself she was coming to grips with everything that was happening to her, there was still a part of her that hated everything about her life.

Here she was, twenty-three years old, lonely, and... dying.

She opened up her cabinet and pulled out her medications. After taking all of her pills, she added an Emergen-C to rid the head ache, then began her daily routine.




Her workout was brief. She walked Midnight during and came home to a warm soak in the bath and some aroma therapy. With a relaxed mind and body, she started to get lost in her thoughts.

What would she do today? It was Saturday and the weather in Virginia was perfect for a spring day.

Her mind drifted to last night.

Just the thought of Tremaine made the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. He did something to her without even trying.

She hated the way things ended with them, and she hadn't heard from him since they both caught a cab home last night.

She reached for her phone and scrolled to his name.


10:23 AM :

Hey Grinch, you recover okay?

She took her seat on the couch and pulled out her notebook and on the first page was exactly what she was looking for.

As soon as she sat her phone down, it vibrated and she smiled. To her surprise, he was calling her.

"Hey there stranger. Did you get your car?" She asked. He was too intoxicated to drive last night, so he decided to go get his car whenever he woke up.

"Hey you. Yes, I'm driving it back home now. You okay?"

Her lips curled into a small smile. His concern for her started flutters in her stomach.

"Yes, lol. I can hold my liquor." She felt like a little girl with a crush, but she was trying to keep him in the friend zone. After all, he was someone else's man.

"What you doing today lil bit?" She heard him question. Her eyes scanned her bucket list and she said the first thing she saw.

"Going sky diving." She stated with a smirk.

There was a short pause on the other end, then she heard him ask, "Want some company?"

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