World's Unknown

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Tremaine's eyes blinked open and squinted angrily at the sunlight that barged its way in through the window. Preparing himself this time, he opened his eyes and stared down at the woman he lay next to. He had missed Ryan a little bit, and he didn't realize it until now, but for some reason, every time he looked at her, she reminded him that he was slowing becoming someone else with her; someone he wasn't sure he wanted to be.

Ryan's gaze met his and he was brought back from his thoughts when she asked, "What's on your mind?"

"Well good morning to you to." He said, freeing his arm and throwing her a last smile. He sat up from his bed, looking at the clock to see that it was already 2 in the afternoon. He didn't know how long he and Ryan went at it last night, but he sure could tell she missed him.

"Morning." She got up, wrapped in the sheets and headed straight for the bathroom.

Tremaine immediately felt guilty, for what, he wasn't sure yet; but something about this situation just wasn't right. He decided to head to Ferguson to take a run on the track in the morning.

"Hey babe, I'm gonna go take a run. Ill just use the guest bathroom."

Her head emerged from the bathroom door seconds later and threw him a smile. A smile tugged at his lips as he looked at the woman he was soon to marry. He wanted company on his run, maybe running with her would be nice.

Spending time together was something they had definitely lacked for nearly the past year, and he hated it. He didn't want to sound soft, but he liked the idea of being with someone who didn't mind doing some of the things he did, and vice versa. But he knew Ryan wasn't into that, she was too much of a girly girl and the idea of sweating out her hair was probably way too scary for her.

He decided to ask anyway.

"Wanna come?" He asked her. Her face scrunched up, and she looked at him as if he had three heads.

"Babe, I'll leave that up to you. If I ever need a nip and a tuck to stay in shape, I'll go see Dr. Froyd." She said with a giggle. He knew she meant every word. "Can you pass me my robe babe."

Tremaine looked over and saw her robe tossed across the chest at the end of their bed. That was another thing he hated. It was as if Ryan was too self-conscious of her body and she didn't want him to see her, as if he hadn't done things to her body without clothes on. They only had sex at night mostly, or underneath the cover in the daytime.

He grabbed the silk material and handed it to her.

"I'll be back later."

He made his way to the guest bathroom, still naked from the previous night. He thought to call Aubrey to see if she wanted to go for a run. She'd enjoy that.

Then he remembered the events from the weekend.

He was a man of morals, and in the end, he was in a relationship and soon to be married. It wasn't right for him to desire another woman, nor was it right to compare the two. It was like a reflex. He couldn't help how he felt neither. Were his friends right, did he have feelings for Aubrey?

To Tremaine, his connection to her was more intellectual than anything, although physically he'd love to experience what she had to offer, he figured that was just lust.

He can't be one to try and find out. He pushed thoughts of her to the deepest part of his mind and decided to reframe from texting or calling her. If she thought enough about him, she'd contact him, then he'd worry about what he'd say to her, if anything at all.


The pandora station came to a halt when Michael's name popped up on his screen. He stopped jogging and took his phone out of his arm band and slid it to talk.

"Wassup." Trey answered his phone, nearly out of breath. Then took a sip from his water bottle he had with him.

"I'm getting married." was the first thing that came out of Michael's mouth, causing Trey to spit out his water.

"Say what?"

"Well it isn't official yet. I haven't even asked her yet, and actually I don't even know her real name..." Michael began rambling. Trey burst into laughter.

"What you talking about homie?"

"Yo, can you meet me up at Ferguson's gym? I'm pulling up, about to hit some weights and Bryson is down there." Michael asked.

"I'm already here, outside on the tracks. I'll head in."

Tremaine said as he head towards the gym, ending the phone call. He walked in and saw Bryson on the treadmill so he decided to get on the one next to him and finish his run.

"Mike called you too?" Bryson asked, pulling his ear bud out of his left ear. Trey chuckled and shook his head.

"Talkin' bout marriage, that man had way too much to drink last night."

"Laugh all you want. Y'all need to be arguing over who's gonna be the best man." Mike cut in on the conversation as he walked into the building.

Trey glanced in his direction and watched as he put the bag down.

"How'd y'all enjoy y'all night?" Michael asked, doing some mild stretching.

"Man... I aint seen Nay in so long. Its nothing like I miss you sex." Bryson said with a smile. Tremaine laughed and agreed.

"I can second that. Ry really missed a nigga."

"Ehhh... I'd rather not hear about your rendezvous with the troll." Bryson interjected him.

"Chill on my wife."

"Until y'all say I do, she's my worst enemy." Bryson half joked. "anyway, Im taking Nay out tonight."

"You talkin about Nay from uni?" Trey asked. Bryson used to be had over heels for that girl, then graduation happened and they went their different ways, so they never got to give it a real shot.


Michael stepped up to the treadmill, but paused to talk.

"That's was the girl you saw me standing and talking to at the bar before you left bruh." Tremaine recalled the woman he was referring to.

"Anyway fellas. So after you left, Lena introduced me to this girl man, she was amazing. I mean, she's really something."

"Did you end up stayin' with her after you dropped us off?" Bryson asked.

Michael began to give them details of their night and Tremaine listened closely. The gym was occupied by just the three of them on this Sunday morning, and they loved the quality time they had been spending together. It reminded Trey of their years in college.

"Wait, so y'all didn't have sex?" Bryson asked bluntly. Michael had built up so much anticipation.

"No, we just connected, all night. Like, she understood the type of man I want to be or something. I wasn't even focused on sex with her, plus she's not that kind of woman." He defended both him and her. The two friends couldn't contain their laughter if they tried.

"Well then she ain't your kinda woman. Bruh, we both know you'll lose interest in a week or two." Tremaine knew his friend all too well.

"You talkin' about marriage and shit and you just met her. You don't even know what type of woman she is." added Bryson.

"Whatever nigga, I'll find out more tonight. I'm taking her out on a date tonight." He proudly said, joining his friends on the treadmill.

"Nigga, have you ever even been on a date?"

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