World's Destined

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Introducing Michael...

She was absolutely beautiful. She giggled and unconsciously placed some hair behind her ear before taking in Michael's hand. Her skin was so soft. The coolness of her hand cooled the fire igniting within her, but stimulated it at the same time.

Michael was blown away. No woman had ever had such an effect on him. It was the liquor, right?

He helped her step up into his sleek Range Rover he had purchased upon his return, fresh from the factory.

"This is nice." She complimented his car. He beamed his best smile.

"Just got her. You're the first woman to ride." He said before closing her door and walking over to his side.

He got into his black beauty and started her up with no problem.

"I'm sure you tell all the girls that one." She joked. There was a small silence as he started the way to her house after typing in the address she gave him on his GPS.

They had spent the whole night dancing, talking and he bought her a few drinks. He decided to stop drinking since he was the one driving home. She had informed him that they hauled a cab down to the club so neither of them would have to drive.

The chemistry he felt between them was one that couldn't be described but in no way went unnoticed. They had exchanged numbers and when they were outside trying to get a cab home, he offered them a ride.

Michael looked over at Aubrey who was singing along with Beyonce's "Partition" with much enthusiasm. The three passengers laughed at her drunken concert, she was obviously convinced Beyoncé had nothing on her.

"Yo Mike. You can just take us back to my crib." Bryson called out. Aubrey's head shot toward the back of the truck and Michael watched as she looked at Lena in concern. He rested his hand on hers.

"Relax. She's in good hands. I promise. I'll even give you all of his information if you'd like." He tried to calm her nerves, and in an instant she relaxed.

Her giggle could cure a million heartbreaks, he thought to himself as she burst into laughter at his joke.

"I'll be okay Bee, I'll call you in the morning. Promise" She replied.

After taking the two back to Bryson's place, Mike continued his journey to Aubrey's. The car ride was silent, but a comfortable silence; like the both of them were lost in the smooth sound of John Legend playing the piano and singing his tune.

"You better not be a murderer. I'm letting you take me home and I just met you." She joked breaking the silence once he parked in front of her building.

Michael laughed and licked his lips out of habit.

"I wouldn't dare. You're far too pretty, not the type of victim I'd go for." He joked back and she shot him a serious stare momentarily and they both shared a laugh as he put the car in park in front of her apartment building.

"YOLO." She replied and burst into drunken giggles. He just watched her as she tossed her head back in a laugh like it was the funniest thing she had ever said. She looked so worry free and, happy...

He loved to see a woman genuinely enjoy herself and be comfortable with who she was and where she was in life. In that moment, he saw that.

"You're beautiful." slipped from his lips and he put his hand to his mouth as if he had said something wrong. Compliments weren't really Michael's thing; but she was captivating.

"Thank you." She blushed hard and looked down at her hands in her lap. Michael lifted her face with his left hand and she stared into his eyes. He moved the hair from her face and began wondering, where had she been all of his life?

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