Worlds Apart

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Tremaine ran his hand across his freshly shaved face and sighed. He didn't want to cancel, but he knew it wasn't a good idea to see her, especially after their interaction the previous night.

Besides, Ryan had called him and said she'll be landing tomorrow morning so he had one day to himself, he needed to get his head on right.

The sound of his phone ringing took him away from his thoughts and he answered it without hesitation.

"Yo!" He called into the phone.

"Guess who's bizzack!" Michael, his long time friend, chimed in from the other end.

"Welcome back to America."

Michael had been spending his days in London, charming the foreign beauties with his good looks and intelligence, making it an easy score on his behalf.

"How's prison?" he teased Trey.

Michael often teased Tremaine being that he's the only one out of their circle of friends from medical school that went off and got engaged so young. Michael wasn't the settle down type, obviously.

"Engagement is nice; stressful, not what I thought it what be." Tremaine answered aloud honestly, for the first time in well, ever.

"Woah, sounds like we need to meet up at Ferguson?" Ferguson park was a place the guys all got together to play ball and clear their minds.

"I'll scoop you in about an hour." was all Tremaine said before ending the call.




Aubrey looked at the text for the umpteenth time in the last three minutes.


12:32 PM :

I'm sorry, I can't make it babe. We'll have to reschedule.

She had to admit, she was a little disappointed. She had got all dolled up for whatever reason only to have him cancel.

This was what she needed though, she couldn't deny the fact that she was longing to spend days with him and awaiting that smoke break they had made routine. Her life was to be short lived and that was something she would have to deal with; she's made peace with it.

But there's always that voice in the back of her mind asking her, What if.

She decided to do something a bit smaller on her bucket list. A pottery class would be great.

As soon as she sat her phone down, it rang. The butterflies started working their magic in her stomach in anticipation that it was him calling, but they quickly subsided after realizing it was just her cousin, Lena.

"Hola mama!" Lena's voice rang through the other end. A small smile crept in on Aubrey's face. She hadn't heard from her cousin in so long.

"Hey Lee."

"Can you pick me up from the airport?" she asked. Aubrey turned her face up in confusion.


"I know you're not doing anything. I was gonna surprise you and fly out for your birthday, but Uncle Ra told me you weren't doin' too good and to wait until you flew back home." Lena's tone was sadder than Aubrey would have liked. She hated when her family worried about her.

"Well, I'm feeling better and I'm so glad you came! I'm on my way." Aubrey said. They soon ended the call and she headed out the doors and hopped into her baby, driving off toward the airport.




"GAME!" Michael called out as he shot the ball.

Tremaine lifted his shirt to wipe the sweat off of his forehead rested him hands on his knees, hunching over.

"Come on, you may be getting married, but you ain't that old yet." Bryson teased. Passing Michael the ball, he patted Tremaine on the back.

"You good?"

"May not be a wedding anymore bruh, he got a new lil something." Michael answered with a laugh.

"Yo, chill. I love Ry." Tremaine pleaded his emotions; emotions he wasn't even entirely sure of.

"You wasn't saying that on the way here." Michael chimed in.

"Of course you love her, I mean, you've known her forever. But that doesn't mean you want to marry her. I know you're only doing this to please your mom. You a straight mama's boy playa." Bryson answered tossing the ball at Trey.

"Yo, shut up. I aint no mama's boy." Tremaine answered, half joking, tossing the ball back.

"So who's this new lil lady?" Bryson asked them.

"Some chick he work with." Michel answered for Trey as they started to head toward the empty park bleachers towards their things.

"She smart toooo? Got Ryan beat already." Bryson teased. He and Ryan couldn't stand each other and were always at each other's neck.

"Chill," Tremaine said with a laugh, then his mind drifted back to Aubrey, "In all honesty though, there is no competition with them. It's like they're both entirely different. They're in two different worlds or something. Bre is just, she's this amazing sporty, bright eyed bad ass. I don't know how to explain it. She brings out a different side of me."

Tremaine had been in such a trance, he didn't notice he had dazed off and started rambling. He looked over at the guys and they burst into laughter in unison.

"Bruh, yeah. You got it bad." Bryson taunted. Tremaine threw his now empty water bottle at Bryson as they all shared a laugh.

"Enough soft shit for the moment, y'all niggas tryna go out tonight? Ry comes home tomorrow and I'd prefer to enjoy my last night out." he asked his friends.

"You know I'm down. Have to get back into the swing of things in the states." Michael said with a sly grin.

The night was only beginning...

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