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-Hailey's POV-

Todays the day. It's been two days that my parents have been here and now they have to leave so soon. Kristin and I planned to have a small BBQ before they leave since their flight back to Canada isn't until eight tonight. I got up early on purpose today, leaving Luke asleep on my bed. I did my shower routine like every other morning.

Coming back to my room, I threw on my white mtv muscle shirt, with a black high waisted shorts, before stealing Luke's red flannel, putting it on over top, leaving it undone. I decided on leaving my hair down and wet because when it dries it'll be curly.

Walking out of my room and shutting my door quietly, I walk over to the guest room to get Skye, she said she'll help me get everything ready. Just as I'm about to walk into her room, she walks out wide awake and ready. Woah, that's really unusual for her. Skye's the type of person to sleep in until three or four in the afternoon, kinda like Michael.

Walking downstairs with Skye I glance over in her direction. "I don't even know where to start." I say, walking into the kitchen behind her seeing Ash and Cal eating my favourite cereal.

"What you come here and eat all of our food?" I joke around and laugh, grabbing veggies and fruit out of the fridge.

"Well yeah, you always get the good food and we can't cook" Ash exclaims as he giggles. Grabbing two knifes, Skye and I start cutting up the fruit and veggies, putting them on trays for everyone to eat off of.

"Oh, my mom and dad are coming" Calum says quickly "Mine are coming too" Ashton copies Calum.

"Where's Michael?" I ask the two idiots sitting in front of me. "He's passed out on the couch with a xbox remote" Skye answers for them, laughing. "Where's Luke?"

"I left him sleeping on my bed as I got ready and came down to get this shit ready." I say, looking down at the tray of food.

Seeing the bag of green grapes, I grab a handful eating one, looking back the clock on the stove it read almost noon. "I'll go wake lazy ass up" I say laughing, as I walk out of the kitchen and go upstairs to my room eating another grape.

Walking into my room, I quickly finish my grapes and jump on his lap, leaning down putting my mouth by his ear whispering. "Baby, wake up"

"Five more minutes, please" Luke says, covering his face with his arms.

Moving his arms off his face and pinning them down beside his head, smiles. "No, get up" I giggle, leaning down and kisses his lips softly, feeling the normal cool sensation of his lip ring hitting my lip. "Are your parents still coming tonight?"

Luke slowly opens his eyes, wiping his face with his hands, since I let them go, before answering. "Yeah, they should be."


Around five o'clock, Ashton's, Michael's, Calum's, and Luke's parents are here as well as mine. Dad insisted to BBQ the hamburger and hotdogs, no matter how much I obliged.

Walking out of the house with the trays of fruit and vegetables, with Skye behind me carrying cheese and crackers, setting them on the table outside, I let out a smile, it was great seeing everyone here together as a big family. I start sitting down in a lawn chair beside Luke's and I'm guessing his mom and dad.

"Hi I'm Hailey." I say smiling, to Luke's parents going to put my hand out. Before I clue in, I'm being pulled into a hug by Liz.

"I'm Liz and this is my husband, Andrew" Liz smiles as she pulls away, pointing to Luke's dad, making me wave a little bit.

Sitting back down, I look over at Luke in confusion, he was always talking about his brothers and all these stories that they've done together.

"Where's your brothers, Ben and Jack? You talk about them all the time?" I ask Luke.

"They couldn't get the day off work, they tried to though." Andrew, Luke's dad says. Luke and I eventually left his mom and dad as they started talking with the rest of the guys parents and my mom.


Grabbing another handful of grapes in my hand, I join the guys, Kristin, Calum and Skye on the love seat squished in the living room, as Ashton, Luke and Michael were all squished onto the couch playing video games but Ashton.

Looking over at the t.v. I then realize why Ash wasn't playing xbox, the boys were playing Fifa14 and he hates the video game.

Agreeing with Ash, I sit down in between Ashton and Luke, squishing between them. "Move over, my fat ass is sitting here and it needs room" I laugh, sitting on the couch, with pushing my way in between Ash and Luke as they were already sitting close.

"Hailey, you don't have a fat ass, you have a small, perfect ass" I hear Michael say from the other side of Ashton, before we all hear a slap, from Luke slapping Mikey upside the back of his head.

"Shut the fuck up about my girlfriends ass" He leans forward again, looking towards me. "But you do have a nice ass." Luke says.

Looking towards the doorway to the kitchen, I see my mom standing there as she just walked in, looking down at my hands as their three grapes left I shove them in my mouth, looking towards the t.v. quickly chewing knowing she hates when I eat before dinner, because I don't lots as it is.

"Are you eating grapes again Hailey? I've already told you once already" She looks at me making me slowly turn my head away from her and slowly turning my head towards Ashton and grabs his hand, slowly spitting the grapes into his hand.

"What? Nope! Ashton was" I say trying to look serious at her.

"Ew, Hailey!" Ashton yells while laughing, dropping the chewed grapes back into my hand. "That was fucking nasty"

"Ashton" My mom corrects him, even though he's almost twenty. "Sorry Mrs. Scott." Ashton replies, sorry clearly in his voice.

"It's okay, but suppers ready." My mom says, before walking back outside to everyone.

We all get up and the rest go outside as Ashton and I go into the kitchen to wash our hand because of the grapes.

"I'm sorry Ash, I usually do it to Kristin, you were kinda just there." I say laughing, drying my hands after washing them.


After supper and all the parents went home, Luke, Ashton, Michael and Calum stayed to play more Fifa14.

Standing in the hall way with Kristin, Skye and my parents. Looking down at the bags, I see two instead of three, looking over at Skye she doesn't have a bag with her.

"What's going on?" I ask my parents, pointing towards Skye with no bag. "Well, she's staying here. Kristin invited her." My dad says, smiling.

"Oh my god, are you serious?" I smile, wrapping my arms around my mom and dad.

It'll be amazing having her here for a while, we were so close, Kristin, Skye, and I all were until Kristin and I moved out here to Australia for college. She's always constantly bugging us because we've been there for a year and a half and we haven't gotten an accent yet.

"Have a good trip home mom and dad, I'll miss you guys so much!" I say, hugging them again tightly.

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