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-Hailey's POV-

It's been almost a week since that day at the zoo with Luke and since then, the boys have gotten a house next door to Kristin and I's. It's obviously just temporary as the boys are on break from touring around the world. The boys, Kristin and Skye all went out today this morning while Luke and I were sleeping, leaving us at home.

When we got up, we stayed in what we were wearing, Luke wearing his Blink 182 shirt and sweatpants as I'm wearing Luke's Nirvana t-shirt and some leggings, and we went over to the boys house. Luke wanted to have a small date, but we didn't want go into town, we wanted to stay at the house and relax by making cookies.

"Sorry about the mess babe, the guys are terrible" Luke laughs, opening up the front door. "It can't be that bad babe, you guys had the house for a week." I reply.

You'd think a week of the boys having a house, it would still be somewhat clean?

No, absolutely not.

One of these days while the boys are all out on their own, I'm dragging Kristin's and Skye's asses over here and they are going to help me clean it.

They got shirts and pants laying over the back of the couches, that looks like from all the boys, an empty pizza box left on the coffee table and xbox games cases scattered across the table as well, probably Michael's doing.

I swear the only thing that actually gets put away in this house, is their guitars and drumsticks, there put away up against the wall, in the right stands.

Walking into the kitchen and looking around, I see it rather clean, seeing none of the boys can cook worth shit, they either eat at my house or they get take out, hence the box of pizza on the coffee table.

While stressing myself out to find the ingredients to make the chocolate cookies, bowls and cookie sheets, I hear Luke walking around the living room and around the house rather quickly.

Turning around I see Luke picking up the xbox cases and putting them on the stand beside the tv where the rest of the games are, him grabbing the jeans and shirts off the back of the stairs and running upstairs probably putting them in one of the rooms, and the pizza box into the garbage.

Luke then walks into the kitchen, running a hand through his un-quiffed hair. I always liked it that way better, don't get me wrong Luke looked great with his hair quiffed but when it's down leaning on his forehead, its like he's not trying to look good for the world.


After making the cookie dough, I start putting some onto the cookie sheet, secretly stealing some from Luke.

"Scoop" Luke exclaims as leans over and he steals some cookie dough from the bowl, while still sitting on the counter watching me.

"Luke stop eating the cookie dough or we won't have any cookies!" I laugh moving the bowl and slapping his hand away.

Making Luke slide the pan full of small spots of cookie dough everywhere, into the oven I walk into the living room sitting down waiting for the timer to go off for so the cookies will be done.

"Babe lets play Fifa" Luke says walking into the living room, grabbing the case and putting the game in the console before grabbing the remotes and coming to sit down beside me handing me one.

"Luke, you cheat every time we play, I swear" I laugh as he starts setting up the game. He chooses Australia as his team as I choose Netherlands.

"That's because you always choose the Netherlands" He exclaims, laughing. "Thats 'cause I'm a proud dutchie you dumbass, you pick Australia all the time" I fight back, laughing.

"Because I'm Australian baby, besides whats so good about Netherlands anyway?" He says, while starting the game.

"Have you seen van Persie and Robben play? Their hot, so is the goalie Jasper" I laugh, looking over at Luke as he clenches his jaw slightly.

Sliding over closer to him while playing, I lean my head against his shoulder, poking his cheek repeatedly. "Aw, is Lucas jealous?" I laugh as he shakes his head and pulls my hand away from his face, "No."

After playing a game and Luke win once again with a score of 5-2, I toss my remote down on the table.

"You cheated, again!" I stand up, shutting off the tv as I smell the cookies burning. "Shit" I say running over to the oven, grabbing oven mitts and pulling the cookies out as they don't look to burnt. "Why didn't my timer go off." I say, looking as it was back to zero. "Luke, did you shut the timer off."

Grabbing a spatula and taking the cookies off the pan, putting them on a plate, Luke goes to grab a cookie off the plate, a smirk on his face showing he did it, "Those are going to be-" I get cutoff as he drops it down on the plate, shaking his hand "Hot" I finish.

"Holy fuck those are hot" Luke says, still shaking his hand making me laugh harder. "I tried to warn you but you wouldn't listen." I laugh as we hear the front door opening and shutting.

"Who the fuck was cooking and burnt it" Kristin yells, walking into the kitchen. "Did you two have a quickie upstairs in Luke's room and burn the cookies" Ashton exclaims, grabbing a cookie and eating it weirdly because they are still hot.

"Mate, we didn't have a quickie upstairs we played fifa" Luke shakes his head quickly along with mine. "You played my xbox?! And my Fifa?!" Michael exclaims, looking at the both of us. "Yes and he cheated, I don't know how he cheats playing Fifa, but he did." I laugh looking up at Luke.

"Guys, Lukey and Hailey are lying they most definately had a quickie" Calum laughs, looking at both of us. "It's written all over their faces" Kristin and Skye say at the same time.

I had a blush creep up on my face, we truly didn't, we were just playing some fifa. But a quickie definitely would have been great.

I'm so sorry it took so long to write a chapter, I honestly was just so busy lately trying to get a job and everything so yeah, but I updated two chapters because I took so long. Once again I'm very sorry!


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