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-Hailey's POV-

It's around twelve o'clock in the afternoon right now, and all Luke and I have done all day is cuddle in my room. My parents went back home to Canada last night and left Skye here, because she's visiting for a couple months.

This morning started at 9:30 with Luke waking me up with breakfast in bed, damn that boy can cook. He made an omelete just how I like it, with just cheese and bacon in the middle, he made the bacon chewy and crispy. I honestly find it perfect that he remembers how I love my breakfast.

They are calling for rain today, so Luke and I decided we were going to stay inside and spend the day together.

As of right now, my head is being rested on Luke's bare chest, his arm wrapped around me and the other hand intertwined with mine, resting on his stomach.

Cuddling with Luke, can make my day better just because I have my whole world just under me and because were just relaxing, enjoying the silence of each other's company.

Laying down on my bed with Luke, we can hear Michael, Ashton, Calum, Skye, and Kristin yelling downstairs.

Looking over at the alarm clock beside my bed, I read the time '12:30' making me shoot up off of Luke quickly remembering that Netherlands and Mexico are playing.

"We're missing fifa babe" I smile, jumping out of the warm bed, feeling the cold air from my room hit my skin.

Grabbing my sweatpants I throw them on quickly as I stumble out of my room, leaving Luke's Nirvana t-shirt on.

Running into the living room and jumping over the back of the couch, climbing in between Kristin and Ashton.

"I can't believe I forgot Netherlands was playing" I say, out of breath watching the tv carefully. Looking up seeing Luke push his way in between Kristin and I, I look back towards the tv.

"How the hell is this fair?" Kristin exclaims "I can't even sit beside my boyfriend"

Laughing at her and shakes my head, about to say something when I hear the roars of the crowd from the tv making me turn my head quickly towards the tv as Netherlands are about to get a goal.

Jumping up into the air and throwing my arms up into the air screaming, as Netherlands score the first goal. "YAAAS"

"For a person who hates playing fifa, sure loves loves watching it." Michael teases as I look over at him putting my hands on my hips.

"Ohh she's getting sassy now." Ashton giggles, teasing me along with Michael.

"You all are mean." I laugh, plopping down onto Luke's lap, looking over at Michael as I cross my arms, trying to be mad at them, but miserably failing.

"Aw is my baby mad?" Luke teases, feeling a quick poke to my sides, making me squeal and jump in Luke's arms, resulting in the boys, Kristin and Skye laughing at me.


Later that night, everyone decided to go out to a movie but Luke and I. Knowing that it was going to thunder storm and they were walking to the local theatre, ten minutes away, I decided to stay home.

Somehow me wanting to stay home from the theatre, made Luke agree to stay with me.

Instead of going out to the theatres, to watch a movie, we stayed home watching a movie off of Netflix.

Looking outside after the movie, I see it start down pouring in the backyard, not hearing thunder yet, smiling I stand up grabbing Luke's hand trying to pull him up.

"Baby get up and come dance with me outside in the rain" I groan as he stands up on his own. "Baby, I don't dance" Luke says, looking down at me and holding my waist.

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