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-Hailey's Pov-

Luke takes us up to this little kid ride called 'The bumblebees'. Laughing we both show the guy our ride bracelet and we hop into the bumblebee seat and clasp the buckle up and pulling the wire thingy that protects you aside from the seatbelt.

After the ride is over and we get off, Luke dragged me towards the BatMan, I look up at the ride and bite my lip, slightly stepping back. I love roller coasters, don't get me wrong, but this ride flips you upside and spins you, I don't think my body can handle that.

"I'm not going on that" I say hiding a smile and turn around to walk away as Luke grabs my waist, picking me up and whispering into my ear, "And why not? It'll match your outfit pretty well."

I quickly look down at my clothes forgetting what I'm wearing and smiles, leaning my head back against his shoulder laughing, "UGH, fine Hemmings, you win" "Like always" he jokes around "Shut up." I reply, teasingly.

I laugh tilting my head to the left so my nose hits his jawline as we wait in line. Okay, so the ride wasn't that bad, i truly was freaking out over nothing. After Luke and I get off the ride, we start walking around looking for a booth that's selling some cotton candy.

I grab Luke's hand and pull him over to a booth and starts grabbing my wallet, hoping to pay this time. Before I had the chance to pull my money out, Luke snatches my wallet before sliding it into his back pocket.

"What was that for? I wanted to pay, you paid enough" I pout towards him, crossing my arms. It was such a gentleman move that he wanted to pay, but I wasn't around for the money, I was around because of Luke. I wanted to be friends with him, okay maybe more too. Luke shakes his head laughing, while buying some pink and blue cotton candy.

"No I haven't and I don't care, it's a date remember? What kind of guy would I be if I made you pay for your own food." Luke said, shooting back.

We find a bench and we sit down on it, making me lift my legs up resting them onto his lap. I smile as he puts his left hand down onto my knee rubbing soft circles with his thumb.

Luke and I sit in a comfortable silence, just watching the lights as they lit up all of the fair rides, the crowded area full of teenagers either in a group of friends or with their boyfriend and girlfriends, as well as some parents with their small children while we sat there eating our cotton candy. It was great, I was comfortable with the position we were in, there was no fans pushing there way to Luke. It was like everyone was letting him have freedom which was amazing. I was slowly pulled out of my train of thought as I slowly feel Luke's body go completely tense under neath me.

"Luke, what's wrong?" I question, my now full attention all on him as he stares straight ahead, he quickly relaxes and shakes his head looking back and leans against the bench, "It's nothing, just seen some people that I didn't want to."

"Do you want to go somewhere else?" I ask standing up and throwing out the empty cotton candy bag out in the garbage beside the bench. I look over in the direction he was staring at, but no one was there. Was there really someone he didn't want to see?


-Luke's POV-
Hailey and I are sitting down on the bench sharing our small bag of cotton candy, I glance down at Hailey as she looks concentrated on her candy, she's pulling the pieces of cotton candy apart into smaller pieces, before quickly tossing it into her mouth. I glance away from Hailey and see her standing there. What? Why is she back? I thought she left 3 years ago for good?


-Hailey's POV-

Luke grabs my hand pulling me towards the ferris wheel, I hope with whatever just happened, doesn't ruin our night. I don't want something ruining the fun that we have been having tonight.

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