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-Hailey's POV-

The next morning I wake up to Kristin and Skye, poking my face. "Wake up you lazy ass it's 1 in the afternoon." They say in my face, before laughing loudly.

"What do you want?" I groan covering my face with my arm. "Were hungry and we don't want to cook. So cook for us." Kristin and Skye demand.

"Yeah, fuck that! I'm not going anywhere near that kitchen yet, way too early." I state, shaking my head quickly. I knew they would bug until they got what they wanted, but I was just hoping they would go away and let me sleep just a little while longer.

Feeling the arms of Luke around my waist tighten, and pull me closer to his chest, I close my eyes not caring that Kristin and Skye are still there.

"I'm not getting up, I have an arm around me that won't move" I mumble, lifting my blanket up showing Luke's arm around me before putting it back down.

"Lift his arm up and crawl out of his arms." They demand more as they get even more hungry, talking about food. I have a feeling that Luke's awake because after Kristin said to Move Luke's arm and crawl out, he laid his head down on my chest, pulling me even closer, if that's even possible.

Smiling as they roll their eyes walking out of my room. "You leave us no choice, we're waking up the boys" Kristin yells, walking downstairs with Skye. Hearing this makes me hide my face into Luke's bare neck wrapping my arms around his waist tightly, as I hear multiple footsteps running upstairs quickly, them all shouting "Hailey!"

Next thing I know, I'm being lifted up off my warm bed, being thrown over someones shoulder. Looking up I see a head full of dirty blonde curls, pushed back by a red bandana.

"Ashton put me down, I'm being serious" I say, crossing my arms trying to sound mean, before hearing a loud giggle that we all know is Ashton's.

"Hails, stop trying to sound mean, you're like a little awkward penguin, you can't be mean." Ashton teases as he giggles. After being put down, on the kitchen counter, I look up seeing Ashton, Kristin, Calum, and Skye standing there looking at me with their arms crossed.

"Oh, so my boyfriend gets to sleep in my warm bed, and I'm stuck cooking for all you idiots?" I crossing my arms, looking at all of my friends.

"No I don't, Mikey over here decided to jump on the bed, waking me up" I look over at Luke as he talks tiredly, while slowly walking into the Kitchen, dragging his feet. He didn't even bother to change, except throw on a pair of sweatpants.


I eventually make some chocolate chip pancakes for everyone. Ashton and Kristin are engaged in their own conversation as well as Luke, Calum and Michael while we all keep eating. Skye and I are talking to each other about the dinner with Luke, my Mom and my Dad last night.

What amazes me is how quick Skye has gotten comfortable with our group, being able to speak out loud even if it's been one day. Skye's usually a quiet person until she gets comfortable around you. So the fact that she got comfortable around the boys so quickly is relaxing.

"Did they attack him with questions?" Skye asks loudly, due to everyone talking loudly, so I can hear her over every one, making everyone look in our direction.


Luke and I spent almost an hour explaining what happened with my parents at dinner, last night. I never knew my Dad was asking Luke questions like that, until now. He even told us that my Dad scares me.

I'm currently getting ready to hop into the shower quickly, I guess Luke wanted to get away from everyone, and alone with me because he told me to get ready, were going an 'adventure'.

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