Part 1

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Jon woke up to the light filling her chamber, he still couldn't believe that she allowed him to come to her chamber every night after the first night he knocked on her door. It still felt like the first time, every night, the touch of her hand the feel of her lips on his. Despite all this he felt so comfortable around her, he told her things he never told anyone before, she never interrupted him never questioned him as he flooded out his thoughts and feelings! She just listened and he knew that she wouldn't ever tell anyone he wasn't even sure if she listened to everything but he didn't what to question her! As she  just loved him with her whole heart as did he.
He looked down at her Beautiful sliver haired head laying on his chest he didn't see his Queen he saw HIS dany. Jon watched her as she opened her eyes, she smiled "Not think I'll be able to get used to waking up to see your face" she laughed! He smiled and kissed her forehead!
A few moments passed What's the matter Jon" she whispered with a worried tone in her voice.
Jon realised that she wasn't even looking at him but she could read his thoughts, he tried to lie to her by saying "oh nothing, just thinking how I have to get out this bed in a minute" he said in a sheepish voice.
Dany knew full well he wasn't thinking about get out of bed there was something else playing on his mind. She huffed and rolled on to her back so her head was no longer sat on his chest.
Jon replied with a laugh "now what's the matter with you?"
"Don't try to lie to me I know you to well snow" she hissed
"Oh we going to get childish and call me snow now are we?" Jon replied in a upset sarcastic tone
Dany couldn't help but smirk "I'm sorry but if you didn't try to lie to me about what really on your mind then I wouldn't have to play the nasty queen" this was followed my a little giggle and she loved to wind him up!
"Do you really what to know what's on my mind" Jon said
"Yes, you've practically told me everything else on your mind while we've been sailing to your home" she said as she turned back to place her head on his shoulders.
Jon smiled as he pulled her in closer to him, there was something soothing about the Touch of her skin on his.
He took a deep breath as she let her fingers run up and down his scar cover his heart, he went to say what was on his mind when Missandei walk through the door looked up and saw them both in bed "oh sorry my grace .... yours graces" as she backed out the room! Dany burst out laughing!
Jon was straight away worrying "what about if she tells someone she saw us like this?"
Stepping out of the bed a reaching for her gown and she rapped it around her self replying with a simple smile.
"What Jon! I would trust her with anything and you think that the first time she's seen you in my bed?"
"The first night you came she came in to wake me up in the morning but saw you and left, you must of normal left by this time as she comes in after you have snuck out and gone back to your own chambers" she laugh when she finished say what she had to say as she looked at the look on Jon's face, he looked like a guilty little boy!
The only reply he could manage was "Oh"
A few moments passed as she sat looking in to her mirror fixing her hair for the day, for the horrid day that lay before her, the thought of having to leave the boat and face the northern lords who probably wanted her head was turning her stomach. She saw Jon looking at her in the mirror he opened his mouth saying what he was going to say before Missandei walked in on them "I not what to leave this life here on the boat where I wake up in the morning the first thing I see is you and the last thing I see is you, there no Cersei Lannister or no army of the dead lead by the night king who's blue eyes send shivers down my spine or even no northern lords we have to win over or a relationship we have to hid because they won't understand or care that a actually LOVE YOU" he took a deep breath after say what he need to tell her.
When she didn't respond Jon started to panic!!she saw it in his eyes when she said "I love you too" it rolled so easy of her tongue that Jon thought she had sang it like one of her pretty songs she sings quietly thinking he doesn't hear her when she gets ready for bed. "You've never told me you love me before" she said with a smile on her face, followed by "And what ever faces us when we get of this boat please tell me we will face it TOGETHER and you will never leave me or stop loving me till your last breath, for I know Jon that I will love you forever no matter what"
Jon got out of bed, walk over to her and picked her up and said "forever" before he kissed her! He put her back down once again kissing her forehead as his hands found her face, he stared in to her eyes.
For a few moments they where lost in each other's eyes. It was that moment that Daenarys thought love does truly come in at the eyes.
"You better go back to your chamber before they send a search party out for looking for you!" She smiled as she rapped her arms and him kissing him the pushing him towards the door!
"Dany I'm still naked, let me get changed at least!" He said
Once again she started to giggle like a little girl, Jon thought to himself he would do whatever to see her like this to see her just happy and not a queen for a moment he got changed quickly and went towards the door he turned and said "I will see you on the deck my queen"
If everyone actually reads this I hope you liked it I am not the best writer but I do enjoy it also my spelling is Beyond poor but I gave it my best shot!

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