Part 17

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"My king there someone here to meet you" Said Davos "who?" Asked Jon as he was putting on his armour "I do not know, Tyrion sent me to bring you" he replied. Jon grabbed long claw and walked with Davos. As they got closer to the tent Jon could hear A voice he didn't recognise "YOU! Where the reason she left me behind and don't you dare tell me that she's not here when the dragons are here" shouted the voice "I promise you she's not here her husband the King also has some bound with them he rode Rhaegal into the battle against the dead with her at his side there quite the power couple I must admit. Anyway drogon flew off yesterday and hasn't come back. We can talk about this after we get her on the Thorne" said Tyrion. Jon took this as his moment to walk in. "Ah your grace" said Tyrion as he watched Jon walk in to the tent "This is Daario Naharis" spoke Tyrion he nervously looked to Davos his eyes telling him to make sure Jon behaves. "I hope you bring good news about the golden company" Said Jon Tyrion Smiled at him he definitely had been watching how Daenerys deals with people she doesn't know or needs to prove herself to. Daario spoke "I do, they will break from there deal with Queen Cersei and the bank of bravos if once Daenery....." Jon glared at him "The Queen or Her grace please" snapped Jon daario took a deep breath when suddenly the floor outside shook "ah the feeling of when a dragon landing but I can ensure you the feeling of what The dragon can do in bed is much better I doubt you've had the same experience" smirked daario Jon felt his blood start to boil "Jon, don't" his head flew to the entrance of the tent it was her voice "Dany what are you doing here? Where's Ella?" He said as he almost ran to her rapping his arms around her tiny figure. "I couldn't sit around waiting for you to come back and she's fine Sansa and missandei are looking after her and I'm sure everyone is watching her as well, I'll go back tomorrow morning I just needed to see you" she smiled "I'm glad you're here I think you arrived at the right time" whispered Jon
"Darrio this better be good news" Said Dany as she took her seat Jon pulled out for her. "You have a child?" He said almost struggling for the words. Before Dany could reply Jon spoke "Aye we do! See she thought she was never to bare a child but it must of be a failure on your half, as we have a beautiful baby girl" snapped Jon he was pleased with himself till Daenerys throw him the look, darrio locked eyes with Daenerys "I'm happy you got the one thing you wanted more than the Thorne" darrio voice was soft like it was just him and her in the room he looked around and then he quickly cleared his throat "as I was saying before the golden company will join you if the company's commanders and generals are given land and titles many of there families did before King Robert Baratheon rule." Daenerys turned to Jon then to Tyrion "we do need them your grace and there's a lot of empty castle at the moment with the Wars" said Tyrion Daenerys nodded "are you sure they will definitely turn to support Queen Daenerys claim" Asked Jon looking directly at daario "They will you just have to look at the bitch on the throne to see she's mad" Said darrio. "I agree to there terms then, you or them cross me I will not hesitated to destroy you" Said Daenerys firmly as she got up from her chair "Still as fiery as ever" smirked Daario "I expect you will want to get on your way back to tell them the news" Said Daenerys making sure not to look at him "I wish to be left alone now" finished Daenerys everyone nodded and walked to leave the tent "Jon?! Where are you going?" She asked in a serious tone "you asked to be alone?"Said Jon "alone means with my husband"giggled Dany Jon walked back to her placing his hands on her hips and kissed her softly.

Daario looked back to see her holding him in an embrace "If you really love her let her be happy" Said Tyrion as he watched him watch them "where's the old bear I can't imagine he's to happy about this" Said Daario as he began to walk with Tyrion again "He passed whilst fighting against the dead, he was at there wedding. He loved her and sure he wanted her to feel the same about him but he always wanted what was best for her really" Said Tyrion "Oh" was all daario could muster.

"Where is your tent my love?" Asked Dany "Why it isn't even close to time to get into bed and don't you want me to give you an update on everything?" Said Jon he couldn't help but let a smile wash over his face "I didn't get on drogon and fly all this way leaving my baby girl behind so I could get an update you could of sent by raven" huffed Dany Jon laughed at her whilst he grabbed her hand and lead out and of to his tent "how is everyone?" Asked Jon as he pulled her in to walk closer to him "Sansa seams happy and more excited about Arya's baby than Arya herself, I'm worried about her Jon she's going to struggle at first she's still young as well" said Daenerys they just entered Jons tent she watched as concern wash over Jon's face "but she's got Us, gendry and Sansa, we be able to help her" she spoke fast hoping it would reassure Jon "Aye, she will be fine, I just know it's not what she wants not yet anyway, and we not always going to be there to help her. Cersei's days as Queen are numbered, it's time to put a younger and more beautiful one on the Thorne" Said Jon "No, a stronger, more intelligent and kinder queen" snapped back Dany Jon look at her and gave her a slight smile "Why are we even talking I can think of better things we could be doing right now" Said Jon cheekily as he grabbed her hips "Thank the gods I thought you just wanted to talk" Said Daenerys sarcastically as she started to take of his armour Jon in turn started to take of her furs before they knew it they where standing naked in a pile of clothes Jon picked her up carrying her over to the bed there lips never parting.

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