Part 23

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"If it was him he's going to pay" snapped Daenerys as her, Jon Rhaella Tyrion and Davos made there way to her study were grey worm would be waiting with daario "if it was him I will have his head" Said Jon Daenerys flying her head round to look at her husband carting the daughter she nodded to him slightly to say she agreed it was the life of anyone who hurt there daughter that they wanted. She reached the door bursting in not saying a word just look at daario with disgust daario watched as she whispered in her daughter ear she nodded and he watch as Daenerys face grew angrier and so did Jon he knew he was fucked "daario we found out that the cut on are daughters hand was in fact done by a blade and no one else was around her when you had her when she started to scream the Thorne room down, I'm not going to play any of your little games tell me did you do this?" Asked Daenerys her voice was like fire and daario could tell she was beyond piss he remained silent "Daario" Shouted Tyrion who was also pissed with the situation "alright but I didn't mean to hurt her a just wanted her to scream for you or her father so I would be the one who found her and you would be angry at him for letting her wonder of" snapped daario "put him with Cersei there both have a similar fate" Said Daenerys as she turned her back to daario "Daenerys my queen please I did it for you so you could see he isn't right for you that we belong together" Said daario Daenerys Laughed not the warm normal type Jon's used to hearing but a cold chilling one "I'm sorry how does taking my child cutting her hand to make her scream make you better suit for me?" Snapped Daenerys darrio didn't know what to say "take him I not what to look at his face for a second longer" Said Daenerys she turned to face her daughter in her fathers arms who had her arms out reaching for her mother Jon visibly saw Daenerys soften as she took her into her arms "should we return to your party? Asked Jon as he kissed his wife "all I want is a glass wine" huffed Daenerys Jon Smiled at her "come let's take your mind off of it" Said Jon as he look his wife's free hand "do you want to walk" Daenerys Asked her daughter she nodded so Daenerys placed her down.

They where in another grand hall in the keep Jon hadn't been to yet they where sat on a long table Daenerys was sat next to him smiling and laughing with the lords around her everyone was very happy with there new queen. "Jon enjoy yourself talk to people" whispered Daenerys "sorry I'm not as social talented as you my love". Whispered back Jon "Well your more talented in other aspects" smirked Dany Jon smiled at his wife before she was spoken to again and was again the centre of attention "Your grace" said a voice Jon knew to be missandei "Yes missandei" Smiled Jon as he turned to face her and Rhaella "I'm going to take the princess to bed would you like me to stay in your room with her or take her back to mine?" Asked missandei "if she goes back to yours then she will be there all night once she falls asleep" Said Jon worriedly "that's fine I will bring her to you as soon as she wakes in the morning means you and the queen can enjoy you're evening together better" Smiled missandei "Please if you not mind but if she wants us not hesitate to bring her back earlier" said Jon "of course Goodnight my little princess" Said Jon as he kissed her forehead "Thank you missandei" Smiled Jon "Mama" Shouted Rhaella Daenerys turning around from her conversation "I'm taking the princess back to mine she can stay with me tonight" Said missandei to the queen "Thank you missandei, Goodnight Rhaella" Said Daenerys as she smiled to her friend and kissed her daughter softly on the cheek "Goodnight" whispered Rhaella her tired voice making Daenerys and Jon's hearts both melting. "Goodnight" Said Jon and Daenerys together as missandei and Rhaella walked out "a night alone" smirked Daenerys as she put her hand on Jon's thigh Jon smiled "Not tease me my love" he whispered "I wouldn't do no such thing" whispered Daenerys.

Once the hall started to thin out as people began to leave, Jon walked over to his tired wife "what a long day" huffed Daenerys as she walked in to Jon's arms "I believe we can disappear now" Said Jon Daenerys agreed. He placed her hand on her stomach "I'm excited" Smiled Jon "I will love it either way but I would love a boy now" Said Daenerys "Aye I'm out numbered by sliver haired women" laughed Jon "What about if we have a sliver haired boy your be the odd one out even ghost fits into the sliver white hair" giggled Daenerys "come let go somewhere more private" Said Jon as he noticed a few lady's throwing jealous looks towards Daenerys "yes lead the way Jon" Said Daenerys as she took Jon's hand the walked in silence down the corridor "what's the matter?" Jon asked "thinking that's all" Said Daenerys still deep in thought "I know today's events with daario must of been difficult but" Jon was cut of by her "I'm think of how we should handle the situation as I don't what to come across as the mad queen just buring him or beheading him" she paused taking a deep breath "I couldn't care less about him I never loved him it was a need lust if you will" Said Daenerys Jon nodded he knew that she was his and that no other man will ever take her heart but he couldn't help but feel jealous of Daario and the time he spent with his wife "you've been a queen for long enough today I just what my wife when we step through this door okay just Daenerys!" Smiled Jon as he had his hand on there chamber door "fine!" Giggled Daenerys as she looked into Jon's loving eyes.

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