Part 16

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"Jon you promise me you're come back, I cannot Lose you" Said a emotional Daenerys as she helped him into his armour "Of course I will I can't leave you two can I, when we next see each other you're be queen of the seven kingdoms " Jon spoke confidently "I not want it if I can't have you at my side as my king" As Dany spoke she rapped her arms around Jon from behind "I'm going to miss you so much Dany" Said Jon as he turned around to kiss her.
Rhaella was now 5 months, Jon made his way over to her "she know who you are now" Smiled Dany "Aye I think she does" replied Jon as he picked her up "can't believe how much you can love such a tiny thing" Said Jon as he kissed the top of her silver hair other than her eyes she was like her mother. "I better go there all be waiting for me" Said Jon by the tone of his voice you knew he didn't want to go "I should be coming with you" Dany's voice was harsh "Ella needs you and I dare say Arya will need you more when her baby comes" replied Jon Daenerys nodded and took Rhaella of Jon "let's go down" Said Dany. "Look at me" Said Jon dany turn back to face him with Rhaella sat on her hip she could see tears building in his eyes before he could speak again there was a knock at the door it was Davos "we ready to leave your grace" Jon nodded and walked out the door dany following behind.

Once they reached the courtyard Daenerys was finding it hard to fight back the tears, sam and little sam came out to say goodbye to Jon. Daenerys guessed Gilly was with there newborn little baby girl. Dany hated looking around the whole courtyard was filled with goodbyes. Arya and gendry where saying there goodbye Arya was showing now and everyone in winterfell knew how miserable she was where gendry couldn't be happier that he would have a child. Sansa came out with podrick everyone knew they where more than friends now Jon liked that Sansa had found someone after all the horrific things that had happened to her. Arya walked over to Jon "Goodbye big brother" she was definitely emotional. "Goodbye Arya, Look after yourself I can't wait to become a uncle" he said smiling as he hug her. "At least the rest of there family going to be better than there terrible mother" Said Arya as she looked down at her bump. "Your not going to be a terrible mother" Said gendry Arya rolled her eyes at him.
"See you soon Jon" Said Sansa
"Yet again I leave the north to the lady of winterfell" Smiled Jon "Make sure you come back" finished Sansa she turned around taking Rhaella of Dany.
Daenerys took the two steps closing the space between her and Jon. Sansa watched as he whispered in her ear Dany kissing him on the cheek in response. Jon called gendry he gave Arya a final kiss goodbye as Tyrion said his goodbye to Daenerys he was going on her request he knew his sister and the city better than most, "Your grace I know you not want to hear this but if your army's fall and Jon with them then go back to esos you have enough money here in winterfell with you to live a good life over there dye your hair if you have to" said Tyrion quietly Daenerys shot him a look her eyes where fiery "You better hope that nothing happens to him" she spat suddenly Rhaella started screaming which was very unlike her she was a quiet and easy baby although she was very sensitive. Dany went straight to take her of Sansa trying to calm her Jon had mounted his horse ready to go but he wanted to jump straight back of to go see want the matter was. Dany turned around her and Jon's eyes meet she smiled at him "She knows her fathers leaving that all she be fine". Jon nodded he didn't speak but his eyes spoke to Daenerys for him, and he left he didn't look back he was unable to the same as when he left dragonstone for the wall he knew that if he did he wouldn't leave.

"I will be in my chambers if anyone needs me before dinner" Said Daenerys she hated anyone seeing her cry she didn't want people thinking she was weak but she was struggling to hold back her tears. Missandei spoke to her in Valyrian asking if she need anything and she didn't need to hind her tears from her Dany turned to quickly shake her head and smile at her friend who knew her all to well. She left quickly after Rhaella in her arms now falling asleep she opened the door to her chambers and as she stepped through the door frame into the safety of her room she was no longer in control of her tears, she placed Rhaella on the bed placing pillows around her to stop her from rolling of. She walked over pouring her self a glass of wine downing the content of the glass, instantly regretting it the last thing she wanted to do was turn to drink to replace the pain she was feeling with Jon leaving. She walked back over to the bed Rhaella was watching her mother "I thought you where asleep" dany smiled to her daughter she picked her up kissing he all over her giggling softly in response just hearing her giggle and see her smile was enough to remind Dany why she was staying behind.

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