Part 10

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Arya saw Jon whispering in her new family members ear them both laughing afterwards she couldn't help but think if she did marry gendry they could have that and they wouldn't be hiding there.... what? What where they?. She found her self sat there in silence trying to find away to tell Jon of her and gendry more for danys sake so she wasn't keeping secrets from her new husband. She looked over to see Daenerys face turn pale and she jumped out of her chair heading out of the hall Arya smiled she knew it wasn't serious she was excited to have a little piece of Jon that she could love and teach how to fight and maybe even give them there first 'needle' a smile washing over her face.

"Why are you so happy" Arya jumped the voice was Jon's who took Davos seat that he and only just left to go talk with a few of the lords around the room. "Just happy, but I do have something to tell you. That I not what you to get upset or angry about" Arya's voice calm. Jon face changed when she spoke "what do you have to tell me?" His voice blank. "Well me and gendry are well ..... more than friends" Arya looked at Jon his face dropped he knew exactly what she meant there was a moment of silence from both of them then Jon stood up "you two better come to my room once he's finished eating and drinking" nodding his head towards Gendry who was still eating, he then got up to leave. "Jon" he turned back round to face her but not making eye contact with her "I do love him" Her voice full of worry of what Jon would say when they got to his room, Jon smiled to her and made his way out of the hall in search of his wife.

He walked to there chambers dany was standing looking at her stomach in the mirror she hadn't heard Jon come in Jon walked over to her put his hands on her stomach "what you looking at?" Once he finished he started kissing his her neck, "Just looking to see if I'm showing, I know it too early but I can't help but keep looking" she turned around kissing him on the lips before turning to walk towards the table to grab a drink of water. Jon walked into the bathroom. "Has Arya spoke to you?" said Dany sheepishly "Yes there on there way here" spoke Jon as he walked back out the bathroom seating down in his chair by the fire "what you know about  them?" His head flying around to look at her. "Yes" before she could get anything else out Jon was about to get angry with her as he went to open his mouth "let me finish" her voice sharp but not unkind "I saw them walking out of her room on my way to breakfast I thought I would give her the morning to tell you, I do think she loves him and you only have to see the way he looks at her to see how he feels about her I watched him for a little while at breakfast just now" dany was relieved that he knew and she didn't have to tell him "I not like to think of her being old enough to be with him she's still my little sister, but if she's happy and he's a good man it could be worse" his voice was sad. "She's grown women Jon just be happy for her anyway why are they coming here?" She went to sit in the chair opposite him but he grabbed her hand pulling her on to his lap them both smile and laughing "there coming so I can see for myself how happy they are and just to let him know if he hurts her he's a dead man" Dany just smiled at what he said and kissed him with Jon returning the kiss a little bit more intense they broke apart Jon sat there just looking at her sat on his lap she felt light as a feather observing her face he could see she was thing of something "what's on your mind" he asked, she started smiling "nothing really". "Dany tell me please" he sounded genuinely hurt that she didn't tell him "it's silly but what if this baby's a girl how protective are you going to be of her when she grows up" Dany smile at the thought a few moments passed there her face just dropped as she stood up, the thought rushing to her that maybe this was all just a cruel joke by the gods to lead her in to False hope that she will be come a mother. Jon was about to ask what was wrong when there was a knock at the door, the both knew exactly who it was as Dany went to open the door.

As the door was opened Dany couldn't help but note how terrified Gendry looked walking into the room behind Arya he made eye contact as Dany throw him a reassuring smile.
"Arya I'm not felling great will you come with me for a walk outside I think the fresh air will do me good" said Dany as she went to grab her new furs Arya looked confused as Dany gave her a look of let leave them to it as Arya nodded and they walk out the room Dany shutting the door and taking a deep breath they began walking down the corridor "hey don't worry he's not going to kill just letting him know that if he hurts you then he will" Dany smiling a Arya as they walk out into the court yard ghost was suddenly at Dany's feet. "I know he wouldn't but I'm scared Jon still sees me as the little girl he used to look after while I was running from something my mother was making me do that I didn't what to normally sewing" a small smile on her face! "Not worry I make him want what ever you want and if that to be with gendry then So be it" replied Dany Arya stopped "well I do what that but I would also like to see the dragons" said Arya with a cheeky grin on her face Dany simple nodded with a big smile on her face.

"Thank you for letting me so close to them I've never been so amazed and terrified at once before" Arya still smiling ear to ear after they had seen the dragons she watched as they fed and made a fuss of Daenerys the largest one who Arya thinks is drogon kept trying to knock her stomach clearly sensing that she was with child at one point dany almost shouted at the dragon in a language unknown to her he stop straight away. They both stopped at the door they both heard them chatting and laughing both of them let out a breath of relief.  As they walked into the room both of them where sharing a drink "Ah we have a meeting we need to get to my love before Tyrion comes up here" Jon said as he put his drink down and walk over to her "but first can I speak with you Arya?" Jon asked "of course Jon" she replied they walk over away from Dany and gendry as they watch as Jon smiled to his sister as she jumped in his arms, once the embrace was finished Arya and gendry left the room before the door was shut Dany could hear her talking about being so close to the dragons.

She turned around to see Jon finishing his drink "I believe that went better than I expected" while she walked towards him holding her arms out to pull him to to an embrace. "I saw in his eyes how much he loves her, he told me how they meet and they looked after each other. I not think he would ever hurt her like I will always protect you and be by your side" said Jon. Few moments passed they just held the embrace Jon kissed the top of her head "We better go Jon as much as I would like to stay here we do have prepare for this war" pulling away from him and picked up his furs and passing them to him Jon reluctantly put his furs on and set of down the corridor with is new wife on his arm.

The reached the door to the great hall and Davos was standing there looking like he was waiting for them "Davos?" Jon's voice was curious. "Ah your graces Tyrion sent me to wait here for you to take you to the new meeting room" replied Davos Jon just nodded and followed him with Dany still hold on to his arms they only went I few steps down the corridor when Dany's grip on Jon's arm tightened, he stop to make sure she was okay she nodded just saying she felt a bit dizzy.

They reached the new meeting room everyone was in there busy talking and planning it dawned on Dany that this war was coming straight for them "ah your graces, lets began" said Tyrion everyone was there that needed to be and the meeting went on till an hour before dinner but the time Jon and Dany thought the time flew by, but by the end they where ready gendry told them there was only a few more dragon glass weapon to be made and then they where well and truly ready. Everyone started to leave to go get some food Tyrion was the last to leave other than Jon and Dany who both fell on to seats as he left.
"I'm glad that's all over" said Dany as she breathed a sigh of relief that the meeting was over.
"Aye, I'm not sure what's harder the planing or the war it's self, also noticed you didn't have to slip away at any point to be sick" said Jon in a jokey way he was trying to keep the mood light he remembered his father well uncle always try to keep catlyin laughing and happy when she was with child stress wasn't good he thought how could Dany not be stress and worried with everything that was going on so moments he could make her smile or laugh was everything to Jon.
She smiled at him "aye I didn't, hopefully I'm passed that point now" her voice soft and gentle where moments ago with everyone in the room she sounded like a queen.
"You just said aye, I think your turning into a northern women Dany" He was laughing as he spoke.
Dany started giggling "maybe it's the northerner in are child" whilst looking into his eyes and smiling.
"I hope so" smiled Jon as he stood up walking over to Dany giving her a hand out of her chair
"let's get some food then I need to sleep" she said a she yawned.

Note- The next part will be after the battle against the dead I just not really what to write it, I'm just here for the jonerys loving!

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