Part 5

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Jon was almost sprinting down the corridor to catch, "just stop will you and listen to me" Jon said while grabbing her arm.
"Get of me Jon, I not what to hear it we have a dinner to go to" pulling herself away from Jon they where now at the door of the great hall before the door opened Jon watch as she calmed her self fix her hair and dress she stood a little straighter as angry as he was with her he couldn't help but tell her "you look beautiful not worry about them" the angrier out of his voice had gone and it was love once again, dany also forgot about the tension between them and turned to smile at him then the doors opened and her and Jon walk into together the hall fell silent, Sansa couldn't help but hear little fingers words how they would be powerful and unstoppable together.
Deanery's looked up at the main table slightly higher than the rest of the tables, Lord Tyrion and Jorah and on the end Missandei who dany noted looked very uncomfortable at the main table they where seated on the left hand side of the table in the middle where two empty seats that where for her and Jon and seated on Jon's right where Sansa Arya and Davos. Jon pulled out her chair allowing her to take her seat as he stayed standing to address everyone in the hall.

"Thank you my Lords for coming the war of the dead is here and as you all know I went to dragonstone in hope for drogon glass that kills whites and white walkers and I can say that Our Queen Daenerys of the house Targaryen" one lord went to stop Jon to ask him about the our queen but Jon knew what he was going to say and carried on "she allowed me to mine the dragon glass she also gave me what men I needed and the resources I needed, I then went north of the wall to get proof to show Cersei Lannister, who has promised her forces to help against the dead but the trip north was set to fail till are queen came north to save us all she lost a drogon to save us and risked her own life when she could have just sat at drogonstone and waited out the winter. But she did all this before I bent the knee and I chose her as are queen as she's are best chance of a better future!" Once Jon finished he sat down and grabbed dany's hand under the table where no one could see she was still angry at Jon for the everything before but she needs him and that scared her. There was mixed chatter around the room dany could hear some of the things being discussed "she may not be mad yet but she's her fathers daughter", "if she changes her mind we could all be burned alive" and "if our king has chosen her then we should accept her".
"Any questions about my decision?" Jon asked
The room erupted with noise of the lords Jon and dany both started answering there concerns Sansa and Tyrion where both surprised by how well they where answering the question and Tyrion was relieved that dany wasn't getting to angry at the rude comments flying her way.
Lady Lyanna Mormont had quite enough of everyone questioning the king "our king has chosen Queen Daenerys who are we to question him she's clearly sane or I think you Lord Glover" making directed eye contact with him "would be burned alive with the insults you said to her that she does not deserve when she has traveled all this way with her army to save the north" she nodded towards Jon and dany. The food began to come out and nothing more was said about the queen.
Jon watch dany as she began to eat her face almost lit up at the sight of food! "Hungry?" Jon asked chuckling at her filling her face! "Yes as a matter of fact I'm starving!" She said giving Jon a annoyed look "sorry for asking but you never eat anything normally you just pick, I'm glad to see you eat you need it" his eye wondering to her stomach, she gave him the same look as in her room to not get hopefully. She knew she should have told him it was too early to say anything she wouldn't show for another 2 or 3 months plus he won't let her ride into battle but she knew she had no other choice she had to try and kill the slave the night king had made her child into it broke her heart that he wasn't only dead but now couldn't even rest. Jon was looking around at everyone slowly leaving he wanted to leave with dany to talk about there early conversation, but as a couple moved it revealed Sam and Gilly sat down eating with little Sam! "Sam what are you doing here?" He said as he jumped from his seat making both dany and Sansa jump he began walking towards Sam, the both meet each other in a brotherly embrace! "Sam it good to see you brother, why are you here" asked Jon again
"The masters didn't believe me about the dead and I couldn't it there doing nothing read and writing shit while you where up plan the battle for life" There shared a glance of understanding, Jon's attention moved to Gilly and little Sam "hello Gilly how are you? And how little Sam" reaching to pick him Gilly passed him to Jon saying, "we are quite well thank you" smiling at Jon holding her son! Sam said "you make a good uncle Jon to him" as Jon held him play with him "it would be a honour for him to call me Uncle Sam" Dany watch as her hands wondered to her stomach she hoped Jon was right and she could give him a child. She turned to Sansa to ask her the man and women were Sansa didn't know sir Davos told her he was her heart sunk when he said Tarly.
Jon stayed talk with Sam dany notice that the conversation got more intense, Jon then smiled to sam and Gilly as they said there good  byes Jon couldn't help but think he was acting slightly strange and asked him twice to see bran at the earliest convenience. Jon looked up to find dany getting out of her seat to walk towards the door that Lady Mormont was walking out off.

"Lady Mormont may I have a word" asked dany. Lyanna stopped turned around "oh your grace of course" she told her party to leave them one single guard stayed a few paces away from them. Dany looked to guard then back to Lyanna went to start taking when Lyanna spoke first "He not here to protect me from you your grace just simply for the walk back to my chambers" she smiled dany smiled back "I understand gray worms always with me as well" pointing back to gray worm "us girls may be strong but we always slightly more vulnerable than a man. I wanted to stop you to say thank you for your words in front of the lords I see bear island has a great strong female leader!I wish I was a brave at your age I could hardly talk in fear of my brother, I won't keep you any longer once again thank you my lady" dany smiled and went to walk back to the hall "your grace thank you for coming to the norths aid" she wanted to say more but was to nervous to say anything more dany turned nodded and went out into the courtyard she need so fresh air as she began to feel faint. She heard his voice she went to turn around.
Jon could see that she was about to turn around when suddenly Jon saw her starting to fall he ran towards her and grabbed her just in time as she fainted in his arms.

Note- I won't normal post this much it only because I've been on the road so much for training that I've had so much time to write this much.

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