Part 15

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For the first time in a month Jon had woken up naturally and not to the cry's of a hungry baby he looked down to see in the morning light Daenerys sliver head laying on his chest he kissed the top of her head as he slowly shifted her head on to her pillows. He got up walking around the bed to Rhaella's crib "Morning beautiful" Said Jon as he looked at his daughter looking up at him. He picked her up.
Daenerys woke to Jon voice as he was taking and smiling to Rhaella "Morning you two" Said dany as she stretched Jon walked over kissed her as he passed Rhaella "she's getting a bit grumpy I think she's hungry" Said Jon "what do we have to do today" Asked dany as she fed Ella "Meetings about the war against Cersei Tyrion believes that the golden company are going to leave esos soon" Jon pause he couldn't bring him self to say dany ex lovers name "how do you know that your friend will do what he says in that raven" he finished.
"Because he's done it before with the second sons he won me them, also the golden company leader use to be friends with your father rhaegar or something like that  Ser Barristan Selmy told me but I can't remember exactly what he said" huffed Dany as she winded Rhaella Jon didn't respond he just walked into get out his clean clothes to put on "Jon?"
"What's the matter"
"What's the matter" he snapped as he turned around to face her before he could carry on, She gave him the look when Reaella Began to cry at his raised voice.
"Aye I'm sorry" Said Jon as he reached to take her "I'm scared Dany, This here is everything I've ever wanted. But... now I have to leave you both to go to war for a stupid Chair that will only bring us unhappiness" Jon's voice was quiet and emotional Dany step out of bed Jon looked at her perfect petite body walking towards him you couldn't tell by looking at her that she had a baby a month ago she looked exactly the same as she did on the boat to white harbour she went over to him taking Rhaella and placing her in the crib she turned back to face him them both falling into Each other's arm "I would like to just disappear with you two be free from all this but it will bring us safety and we can do good Jon build a better world for her" said Dany
Jon just held her a bit tighter in his arms "I love you" she looked him in the eyes and smiled she was about to talk when there was a knock at the door Dany reluctantly let go of Jon as he walked to open the door she grabbed her robe rapping her self in it.
Jon opened the door Arya was standing "oh morning Jon, may I speak with Daenerys alone" Asked Arya Jon was a bit taken back on how upfront and cold Arya was. "Sure let me just get ready and I will be gone" Said Jon as he grab his stuff and headed into the bathroom 5 minutes later he came out "Dany I will see you in the meeting" Said Jon as headed out the door sounding hurt by Arya.

When Jon left Arya looked panicked "what is the matter?" Asked dany
"I think I'm pregnant and I'm fucking terrified" spat Arya
Daenerys couldn't fathom what Arya Said she felt her jaw almost drop Arya who couldn't even hold Rhaella how was she going to have a child.
Dany finally spoke "how late are you?"
"2 months" Arya voice was panicked
Daenerys went through the normal symptoms Arya saying If she had any they where disturb by Rhaella's crying.
As Daenerys got up to pick her up Arya Asked "What should I do I will be a shit mother and how will I tell gendry we haven't even spoke about children"
"I would go speak to the maester or Samwell for them to Confirm it then speak to gendry"
Arya nodded "Thank you I didn't know who else to talk to" Arya turned to leave
"Arya if you are, not worry you have a family that will help you" dany gave her a reassuring smile, Arya smiled back before she left.

Like every morning As Daenerys start to get ready missandei turns up to help "Morning my queen how is the princess?" Asked missandei as she walked over to pick up the Rhaella up. "She's perfect" replied Dany. "I've got to go to a meeting with the northern lords and lady's, we you join me just means you could take her if she starts to disturb the meeting" Said Dany "Of course your grace". Daenerys got ready "The same dress I wore in the dragon pits" Smiled dany "there's going to be a lot of jealous women your grace a month later and you look exactly the same as before" laughed missandei "it wasn't that although it's definitely a bonus, in this dress I realised how much I loved him sure I liked the look of him before but I Don't know something happened there" here voice trailing of as she spoke. Once missandei did her hair "we better go your grace before your late" Daenerys rolled her eyes as she walked over to pick Rhaella up.

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