Part 18

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It had been 6 days since Daenerys arrived back in winterfell it was currently the middle of the night and Daenerys woke up to missandei voice "your grace" she said as quietly as possible to wake Daenerys up but not the princess who sleeping next to her mother "missandei What's the matter?" Asked Daenerys in a sleepy tone "Arya's baby's coming,  I'll watch Rhaella for you" Said missandei "I better get changed and go, she will sleep into the morning well she should" Smiled Daenerys as she quickly got changed "Good luck" Smiled missandei as she sat in Daenerys big arm chair by the fire "I think I'm going to need it" Said Daenerys as she took of out the door. She knocked on Arya's door a petrified Gendry opened it "your grace" he smiled she walked in "how are you Arya?" she asked as she walked towards the bed. "This is fucking shit" was her reply. "It's worth it in the end" Smiled Daenerys "I know you may not want this baby but your love it all the same" Said Daenerys as she sat on the edge of the bed "have you heard from Jon?" Asked Arya Before she moaned in pain "Nothing since I left the camp" Said Daenerys worriedly "no news probably means everything is fine" Said Sansa. Daenerys sheepishly Smiled she was worried about Jon maybe he was right and the golden company had betrayed them.

"He's beautiful Arya Congratulations" said Daenerys with a big smile as she sat holding the little new born baby boy Arya smiled she looked exhausted, gendry was smiling from ear to ear. There was a knock at the door Sansa opened it was missandei with Rhaella "Sorry to disturb you my lady but is the queen in here? Rhaella is being..." Said missandei softly "a pain?" Laughed Dany as she handed the baby to Arya, she walked to the door taking Ella of missandei "I'm sorry" Said Daenerys "she was good as gold she had a bath when she woke up and she was just playing with ghost then he wanted to leave so I opened the door to let him out and then she wouldn't stop crying" she replied "Thank you missandei" Smiled dany she turned around "Can she come over to meet him?" She asked as she look at Arya "Of course their cousins and she's the close thing to him getting a sibling" she said as she looked at gendry who nodded to his wife Daenerys took her over to the bed sitting her next to Arya. Ella watch the baby closely "Do you have a name yet?" Asked Sansa "Eddard" replied Arya quickly "if you don't mind gendry?" She finish "Eddard is fine by me" Smiled gendry. "We will leave you guys now" Said Daenerys "give Eddard a cuddle Ella" said Sansa Rhaella just looked at her aunt before lifting her arm up for her mother to pick her up "she's not Keen on giving her cousin a hug then" said a voice from the door everyone looking to see who it was "morning Jon" smiled Daenerys "morning my love" he said as he walked past her place a quick kiss on her cheek before going next to the bed he sat down on the edge of the bed by Rhaella for a moment she didn't show any facial expressions just stared at her father but then she smiled and let her head fall on to him Jon putting his arm around his baby girl "hello darling" he said quietly has he kissed the top of her head he looked up to see Daenerys watching them wiping away a tear. "Meet your nephew Eddard" Said Arya as she passed him over to Jon "he's beautiful, father would be proud and so would your mother" he said as he held him in his free arm Ella smiled at her father Jon looked up he could see the pain in Daenerys eyes "I will come and see him again later but I want i moment with my girls now" smiled Jon as he passed Eddard to his father then picking Rhaella "your a lot bigger than the last time I picked you up" Said Jon they all said goodbye and Jon shut the door behind him.

Daenerys stood looking at him holding there daughter "come here!" He said as he put one arm out to embrace his wife "I've got some good news" Smiled Jon "What is it?" Dany Asked "Tyrion is currently acting as king in till you arrive in kings landing to take them steps to the Thorne" said Jon Daenerys pulling out of the embrace smiling "what happened to Cersei?" She asked "let's talking in our room" Said Jon that a corridor in winterfell isn't the best place to discuss the crown.
"Ghost" called Jon as he saw his dire wolf walking down the corridor towards him ghost jumped on on to Jon with Rhaella still in his arms "she definitely not scared of him" he laughed "No she loves him you wait till he wants to go out later and leaves her" laughed Daenerys as she opened the door to there room "it's good to be back" Smiled Jon as he walked into the room shutting the door behind him, Daenerys collapsed on to the bed "what a night" she huffed she watched as Jon looked around the room "what are you looking for?" She asked "Ella's crib" "oh i made the servants get rid of it well over a month ago she got to big for it I've been meaning to get her a little bed so she could have that little Corner for her bed and toys" Said Daenerys as she pointed to the empty corner of the room "where's she been sleeping then" laughed Jon "on the bed with me" Said Daenerys guiltily Jon rolled his eyes at her "and you're going to wonder why she's such a mamas girl" as he sat on the other side of the bed to Daenerys he was leaning against the headboard Ella sat on his lap. "Put her down by ghost" smiled Daenerys as she sat up Jon did and sat back down next to Daenerys she placed her head on his shoulder "how have you been?" Asked Jon as they watched Rhaella crawl around ghost him being totally uninterested in her pulling on his hair "fine worried sick about you though had no raven or anything" she huffed
"I believe it hasn't even been a week, I've been busy, I think you're going to like the red keep" smiled Jon
"still I was worried I couldn't find the strength to carry on if anything happened to you and what makes you think that?"
"You would be fine without me your stronger than you know. Well the red keep it's big and grand are chambers is 3 times the size of this one with a big double bath and a children's chambers next door for when Rhaella's a bit bigger" Said Jon
"That all sounds lovely but I think I'm going to miss it here, I've grown quite found of this grey snow covered castle. But I'm looking forward to a bit more warmth, did you enter the Thorne room?"
"Really I thought you would be desperate to get away from here! No I wanted to walk in and see it with you taking them steps and sitting where you belong" said Jon as he caressed the side of his wife's face "Jon look!" Said Daenerys as she pointed at Ella pulling herself up to stand on holding herself on her fathers chair. "See will be walking soon" Smiled Jon as he got down on to the rug to play with her. "When should we leave for kings landing" Asked Daenerys "In a couple of days, we could fly" Said Jon "what about Everyone else" Said Daenerys as moved to sit in her arm chair "Well missandei, Sam, Gilly and there children are the only ones I can see moving to kings landing with us, then Arya, Sansa, gendry and that can travel in a month or so for your coronation" said Jon as he tried to get Ella to walk to him "Okay but we sure about leaving your family behind" Said Daenerys "What about ghost?!" Daenerys almost shouted "ghost can come with Arya and that, no I will miss them but we all at the age where we would be moving away and getting on with are own life's we will still see them" Said Jon Daenerys nodded as she continued to watch Jon play with there daughter.
"should we go for a walk?" Asked Jon "you two can but I'm tired was a busy night for obvious reasons" Said Daenerys you could hear in her voice that she was tired "we will go for a walk then bring back some food" Smiled Jon he stood up taking the two steps needed to close the space between them before he lent down kissing his wife "get some sleep I love you" He said you could tell how happy he was to be back with them.

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