Part 8

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Daenerys felt like the meeting was going on forever, the tension between Jon and Tyrion was more than normal it was making her feel anxious, Ghost was asleep at her feet he hadn't left her side that made her feel more at ease, even when Jon wasn't there the little part of him that was ghost was.
Daenerys wasn't listening to what was happening when suddenly "I feel it would be best if we can find a way for the dragons to fly without her grace" Jon said looking directly at her sat between Arya  and Sansa who Jon couldn't be happier with how they took the news and was looking after her. "Why what else can I do in the battle and the dragons would burn anyone they not know the difference without me" spat dany she could feel herself growing angry as she knew Jon would try to make her stay in winterfell, Tyrion went to talk but was cut of by Jon before he could "I won't allow you to go out there risking two life's" said Jon trying to keep his cool everyone in the small Council who didn't know about the queen pregnancy now did though. "Without the dragons you know full well we not have a chance and if what bran says is true then the dead will have one and we won't be able to stop him from the ground, I have to be on drogon to give are baby a chance and that is Final." The room fell silent. "Okay if that is what you wish" Jon voice was broken. Dany got up from her chair walk towards him "I would stay her if I could" smiling at him.

Tyrion spoke next "when will you marry her? Or is it going to be a bastard like its father?" Tyrion definitely awoke the dragon, dany could even find the words to stay to him. She gave him a look that I not think he will ever forget and walk towards the door if she stayed she wouldn't of just given him a look as her hand reached for the door to leave when Jon spoke "tonight" she turned around making eye contact with Jon the biggest smile Jon had ever seen on her face, "well I better rest then" as she walked out the door followed by Missandei, Sansa, Arya and ghost.
"You dare fucking speak to me or her grace like that again you won't be welcome here Imp" spat Jon as he went to leave. Bran spoke "I need to talk to you and her"
"Me and the queen?" Bran nodded "Very well meet us in an hour in my room" Jon said as he walk out the door what on earth could be so important that bran had to speak to them both about. Jon headed towards dany's room, when he got the door he could hear her laughing as well as Arya's laugh that hadn't changed since she was a little girl. "I knew that I had to work on it all night long as Jon would what to marry you as soon as possible" the voice was Sansa's Jon then released that dany was wearing her wedding dress. He knocked on the door, Arya came to the door when she opened it she was shocked to see Jon "oh Jon, not come in just yet" she shut the door on him!
The door opened again it was Arya again "you can come in now" she said whilst holding back a laugh. Jon entered the room, dany was sat in a arm chair by the fire, across from her was Sansa.
"Sorry to pull you away but we have to meet bran in my room soon he has something to tell us?" As he walk over kissed the top of her head! "Okay let me get dressed then we can go, but why does he need to talk to me?" Asked Daenerys, Jon shrugged his shoulders as he sat down in the chair dany just left. Sansa and Arya day talking to Jon and Daenerys got ready.
"Come on the Jon you not what to leave your brother waiting" they all left the room as Jon and dany headed towards his room they walked in silence till "Jon what will the lords say when you tell them your now married to the mad kings daughter?" Asked dany. "I won't lie it may be as hard as facing the army of the dead, but I not care what they think I just know I need to be with you, we will be married after dinner I will tell them before at dinner" said Jon confidently grabbing her hand.
They walk into Jon's room hand in hand and was meet by bran and Sam. "Why's are you here sam? Is something wrong" Asked Daenerys as her free hand went flying to her stomach she knew it was too good to be true.
"No there nothing wrong there your grace" smiled sam dany didn't need to reply her face said everything.
"Why are we here then bran" Asked Jon
Bran explained everything he saw in the vision, sam said about how he read that in fact they where married, the whole time Jon didn't say anything he hadn't let go of Daenerys hand. Bran finished.
The room feel silent, dany broke the silence after what felt like hours "jon?".
"You're my aunt" where the only words Jon had said as he let go of her hand, "I need to go for a walk" his voice was full of heart break. He swiftly got up to leave the room till he suddenly turned around "please don't tell anyone else let's leave this to the people in this room" he snapped at them the three of them nodded as he left the room.
A single tear rolled down dany's face, she got up and left the room without saying a word or looking at them. Heading straight to find her children she walk out the gates of winterfell, ghost came running behind her so she wasn't unprotected. The snow storm had cleared and it was now just a freezing wind that blew. The dragons to dany surprise where on the ground the snow of the ground was getting blown everywhere but she was pretty sure there was a figure of a man standing in front of them, as she was walking towards them she was trying to make out who the figure was, who would the dragons let so near to them? then it the wind suddenly stopped and it was clear to see that the figure was Jon or Ageon, would he what to have his real name?
As she got closer Jon still hadn't released she was there so she stood watching him watch the dragons when drogon realised his mother was there and moved his head towards her. "I didn't expect to see you here, you the only other person they ever excepted and we know why now" she said as she moved closer towards him. "I don't know what to do dany, I'm not who I thought I was and it's shit" as he fell into her arms crying she didn't expect it at all but she liked the feeling of comforting him, he suddenly released that he was crying in front of her and pulled him self away wiping the tears as he did. "You will always be Jon it does matter who your parents where, you done everything without them or there names and Jon you not need to hind your tears from me" while she grabbed his hand and pulled him towards Rhaegal " Umm what are you doing I was happy just looking at them thank you" Jon said with a smile on his face even with everything he was just told by bran and sam he still was head over heels in love with her. "Your a targaryen who are dragon riders, touch him like you did drogon at dragonstone I'm sure he will except you" Jon could help but think she sounded like a excited child! As Jon put out his hand and touched him, She spoke to Rhaegal in what Jon believes is high Valyrian and suddenly the dragon dropped his shoulder just like his brother does to allow his mother on and off, Jon climb on to his back he felt his heart pounding in his chest he watched as dany jumped on drogon "hold on tight Jon" she shouted across to him, she couldn't help but laugh at how terrified he looked, as she told drogon to fly with Rhaegal following behind.

Jon never had felt a feeling like it, he felt weightless and a bond to Rhaegal as strong as with ghost. Im still a wolf he said to himself. Winterfell looked so different from above, Jon thought it look more beautiful. He watch Daenerys as she flew given higher Suddenly the snow began falling again and he saw dany deciding back down to the ground Rhaegal followed.
"That was amazing the feeling it's" Jon stubble for the next words "you can't explain the feeling, well I can't at least" said dany with a smile on her face! "No you can't it's almost as good as a night with there mother" In a playful tone as he plated his lips on hers
"Jon are you sure you okay with everything, with us being related, it doesn't change anything for me, I grow up think I was going to marry my vile brother. But you grow up different" dany grabbed his hands as she stared in to the deep dark eyes.
"I know if I knew before nothing like this would of happened, however it's happened I not think I can just walk away from you, I love you too much now, plus I've decided it going to the back of my mind till the Wars over. I can't help but wish I could as just the winterfell's bastard and bran never told me" Jon's voice was emotional.
"Thank god as I not think I would be able to live without you now" a smile was on her face but her voice was deadly serious.
The both headed back into winterfell. Dany couldn't believe how well Jon took it maybe it hadn't really hit him yet.

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