Part 3

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Jon could see that every hour of the journey was taking it more out of Daenerys but she was stubborn I won't given in to the warmth of cart house. He rode up next to her "we within an hour of Winterfell now my love" whispered Jon smiling at her, the snow had stopped but there was a cold bitter wind blowing in to their faces she still managed a smile to Jon. He looked up ahead and saw the moors that Surrounded Winterfell " follow me" dany turned round and shouted something in what he believed to be Dothraki back at some of her riding guards, then turned to Jorah and grey worm and told them not to follow her. Jon the started to canter off up the hill to the left of them dany following fast behind.

Once reaching the top he slowed down stopping his horse and pointed of in to the distance she came up beside him looked across to see Winterfell well she thought it had to be it was just like Jon and told her in one of there many conversations in between there pleasure filled nights, "its beautiful Jon" smiling towards Winterfell she spoke in that beautiful soft voice that she only spoke in when it was just the two of them alone. "It would look a lot better if it wasn't surrounded by army camps" Jon said in annoyances he want Winterfell to look its best when she first saw it. "Don't worry Jon I think it looks perfect" she replied seeing the annoyance on his face. The sat there looking out towards winterfell he was telling her story's of how him and Robb would ride up her to get away from their duty's. All of a sudden Jon noticed dany went even paler then she was before and her hands moved to her stomach as once again she was sick.
Her eyes meant Jon's as she came back up she could see the panic in his eyes he opened his mouth and she knew what was coming "seven hells dany that the fifth time you've been sick in front of me since we got of the boat! why want you speak to someone as soon as we get to winterfell I get the master to come" he said in a both a angry and worried tone. She simply nodded "come on I think we should catch the leading party back up before the arrive before us" she said try to relieve the pressure Jon was putting on her. Jon grabbed her hand and kissed it followed with "I'm sorry I spoke like that I just cannot bear to see you ill or in pain. Come on let's introduce you to my family but please not throw up on one of them" Jon was try to cheer her up but he by the look on her face it didn't work at all. They rode of at some speed to catch up.

Jon rode into the gates of winterfell first, followed by dany and the rest of the party, Jon eyes where fly around the courtyard try to find her face when suddenly she came running towards him he jumped of his horse and opened his arms to embrace her, he could feel his eyes filling with tears as he held his little sister in his arms he thought he would never see her again but here she was in there home with him! "Gods I've missed you Arya" she smiled looking up in to his big brown eyes "I've missed you too, look I've still got it" stepping away showing of needle. Jon took it off of her expecting the sword, "you've looked after it" as the sword was as Sharp as the day Jon gave it to her, he could remember that day as if it was yesterday.
"Jon" he heard said from his other sister who was smiling at him as she pushed bran towards him!
"Good to see you brother" said Jon as he went down to hug his younger brother bran replied "I need to speak with you alone"
".... yes I will come see you tomorrow"'said Jon heartbroken that bran was definitely no longer the brother he left behind when he headed to the wall.
Jon turned to see dany was still on her horse as she was petting and talking softly under her voice to her horse Jon loved how kind she was to animals and children as well. Jon walked over to her gave her a hand down of her horse and walk her over to his family. She could she the happiness over filling inside she smiled at him.
"Let my introduce Queen Daenerys of the house Targaryen" he said loud enough so everyone around them could hear as well. Sansa was the first to talk her mind rushing back to what little finger said and how they where both young and unmarried and how this dragon queen was Beautiful it was clear to see Jon was infatuated with her and the smile she returned to Jon was clear she felt them same she understood why she was hear fight for them now. "welcome to winterfell your grace, I am lady Sansa if you need anything while you are hear please not hesitate to ask me" dany couldn't help but think she didn't what her hear her face was kind but her voice was stone cold towards her she smiled and thanked her fore her hospitality. Arya on the other hand was a little kinder towards dany. "Hello your grace I'm Jon little sister, thank you for your help in this war" she smiled kindly as she spoke this time she got a genuine smile from the drogon queen "Thank you lady Arya I've heard much about you from Jon" Sansa head turn straight towards Jon and giving him a look that spoke for itself she knew he bent the knee and she didn't like it one bit Jon could she that.
Arya smile back to Daenerys all her siblings being surprised she didn't say she's isn't a lady!
Dany turned to introduce her advisors "now may I introduce my lord hand Tyrion Lannister" she found her self say Lannister rather quietly moving straight on to Jorah "sir Jorah of house Mormont, my dearest friend Missandei and finally the leader of my unsuiled army grey worm" smiled back to all of them the could all read how nervous she was. Jon also saw it, "let's go inside to warm up, follow me your grace" said Jon.

They followed Jon into the great hall of winterfell Jon ordered the servants to bring them something warm to drink, they all sat down at Jon pointed to Daenerys to sit next to him, she happy complied and walked over at sat next to him she looked over to the simile on Jon's face was seen by everyone in the room. Sansa was horrified that one she was sat in her seat next to Jon and also couldn't get the thought out of mind that love is the death of duty and this was no time for Jon to fall in love but bran had told her how she lost a dragon to save him, she sat on the other side to Jon and Daenerys party sat across from the starks and her. Arya was Beyond happy that she could see the happiness in his eye when he looked at his new queen. She thought to herself that if they won they would be the best rules the seven Kingdoms have ever seen.
Sansa spoke first of the war against the dead, "I called the banners because bran saw in a vision the army of the dead breaking the wall down"
"That's impossible how?" Jon asked everyone could hear the fear in his voice dany want to grab his hand but knew it was to soon to show what they are to each other.
Arya could see that Sansa didn't what to say in fear of upsetting the dragon queen "what Sansa is trying to say may upset your grace" making Direct eye contact with the queen. Before she could carry on Daenerys spoke "God's do not tip toe around me I am a queen not a girl" but she was not ready for the bomb they where about to hit her with.
"Very well then, the night king hit the wall with what I believe is your late dragon destroying the wall and east watch"
Jon looked to dany he could see her heart breaking into a pieces Jon grabbed her hand without even thinking in his desperate attempt of comforting her "I'm so sorry my love" the words flooding out of his mouth his eyes widened when he released what he had said. The whole group remained silent it wasn't like what he just said was a shock to everyone. Dany looked over to him she wiped the tears from her eyes "it's not your fault Jon what is dead is dead, we just have to destroy the night king so he can rest in peace" she said the same Valyrian words as the dragon pits "there's isn't enough time for me to cry when we have a war to plan and win" they all stayed there plan the long night Jon did Note dany sliding out of the room when ever he saw her go pale he hated seeing her ill he felt like he had failed her in some way.
"Umm lady Sansa" the voice was the Same young girl who had been bring them all what every they wanted in the 3 hours they had been planing "I'm sorry to disturbed you all but we must get the great hall ready for dinner. " Speaking in a sheepish tone.
Jon replied "is it that late already" looking out of the window to see had darkness has fallen.
"We will leave now, is Queen Daenerys room ready as well as her party's?" Said Sansa
"Yes all rooms are ready" said the girl
Arya jumped up "I will show her grace to her room so she can get ready for dinner" she wanted to talk to her about Jon.
Sansa told the rest to follow her to there rooms as Missandei went to leave she turned to talk to her grace she spoke in valerian they held a small conversation talking about what her grace should wear and asked he she need help dany told her no and she followed the rest out to there rooms.
Jon said goodbye to dany as her and Arya left. They had only just left the room when Arya started with the questions but not before "your grace I would just like to asked you something" dany nodded her head as a gesture for her to ask with a slight smile. "Do you love my brother as it pretty clear to see that he loves you" she looked at her waiting for her reply "would you mind if I did?" Dany asked smiling at the young stark girl. Arya replied "only if you break is heart other than that I will welcome you I know no one better deserving of true love than my brother".

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