Yin and Yang

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"Hey Lance!" Keith whispered to the sleeping boy. "I brought you something."

He held up a stuffed lion to peek over the bedrail. After a small laugh, he set the toy lightly on his machine-controlled chest. Keith watched Lance's face as it remained unchanged. "When I was in the hospital the first time, my parents gave me that. It helped me get better, so I thought it could help make you better. I hope you wake up soon so we can play together."

Keith took a deep breath, "So, my favorite food is ice cream. My favorite animal is a lion. I love to play outside, too." He gasped and leaned over him, "Would you play outside with me when you wake up?"

A warm smile appeared on Keith's face, "I hope you will." He hesitantly reached over to touch him, but stopped and pulled his hand away. "I need to go now, but I will come back!"

He jumped down from the chair and trotted to the door, "And you keep that lion. He will make you better!"

Keith curled up in his bed, clutching his stomach and wincing. His abdomen was stabbed with painful cramps and his head burned. "Momma, it hurts," he whined pitifully.

His mother pet his hair and kissed his head, "I know sweetie. The doctors are doing all they can."

Keith skipped into Lance's room, coloring book and crayons in hand. He climbed up onto the chair and placed the book in his lap. "Hey Lance!" Keith turned back to his book, but took a double-take at Lance's face. "Ooh," he admired his skin, "your cuts are healing!"

Keith's face lit up with a sincere smile of relief, "That's good." He pulled out a red crayon and started to color. "I'm not getting better yet." He switched to the blue crayon, "The doctors said that in a few days I'm gonna get a different medicine, so it should be okay."

Nurse Mack stood over Keith as he watched himself in the bathroom mirror. "Are you ready?"

Keith shook his head, "No!" He brought a hand up to stroke his black hair.

Keith's mother placed a hand on his shoulder, "It's okay, sweetie. It's only for a little while."

"Alright, let's get started." Nurse Mack switched on the clippers and brought them to Keith's head.

"Lance! Look at my cool hat!" Keith leaned over his bed to model the red knitted hat. "And see," he pulled up on it, "it has cat ears!"

He sat back on his knees in the chair and spoke with a bright smile, "Nurse Mack had to shave my hair off because of a new medicine." He spoke with his hands, "I was really nervous about it, but it's alright now because my mom made me a cool hat!"

Bright red blood filled the glass like a wave. Keith didn't really like being poked with needles, but he found the sight of blood strange yet interesting. He reached up with his free hand to scratch his head and readjust his hat. "Nurse Mack, will I get to go outside soon?"

Mack gave him a somber smile, "That's up to the doctors, buddy."

"Lance, do you get to go outside a lot?" Keith rested his chin on the back of his hands, kicking his feet. "I don't. They say it might make me sick."

He stopped moving and brought his legs onto the chair to sit on his knees. He hesitantly reached down to Lance's hand. Several plastic devices and wires were attached to it, so Keith carefully picked it up. Lance's skin was warm and smooth, but his hand was limp. Keith gave it a light squeeze, "When you wake up, we'll go outside together. Even if we have to sneak out." He let out a playful giggle, "I'm a pro at that!"

Keith anxiously lied on the operating table and watched the crowd of nurses adjust various wires and machines. Nurse Mack appeared above him, "How you doin' Keith?"

He shrugged and returned his eyes to the nurse with a giant needle.

"Alright, Keith." Nurse Mack held up a clear mask that connected to a large tube, "It's time to go to sleep."

The mask was gently set over his face. The smell of plastic reminded him of the water–it smelled just like a beach ball. After a few seconds of breathing the artificial air, Keith looked up to Nurse Mack. His voice was muffled by the mask, "Is Lance okay?"

Mack gave him a warm smile, "He's doing really well. His wounds are almost all healed up."

Keith's chest relaxed and his face softened, "That's good." He closed his eyes to let himself drift off to sleep.

"Hey Lance, I'm finally out of–" Keith's voice cut off when he walked into the blank room. He stared at the neatly made bed and empty couch. "Lance?" He stepped out into the hallway to make sure he wasn't in the wrong room–but it was unmistakably Lance's pink room. Keith's chest hurt as he looked to the end of the bed. The kitten backpack was gone.

"Nurse Mack?" Keith was getting his nightly routine of medications and check-ups.

"Yes Keith?" The machine he was setting up beeped sharply. The ringing had become mundane to Keith.

He hugged his fluffy teddy bear tighter, "Where did Lance go?"

Mack took his eyes off the screen to lock them onto Keith. He sighed, "Lance woke up and recovered while you were sick. He was discharged yesterday."

"Diss-sharge?" Keith tilted his head in confusion.

Mack walked over to the bed to tuck him in, "It means he was well enough to go home."

"So he's not coming back?"

Mack chuckled and patted his head, "That's the idea."

Keith was distraught. His heart ached along with his bones. He lost his only friend. Who was he supposed to go outside with now?

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