Lance sat back in his red camping chair to move his face away from the fire. Pidge reached for a marshmallow, piercing through it with the stick she held between her knees. Her tongue sat between her teeth as she focused. The orange hues from the fire created a warm bubble in the night air.
Hunk took a drink of his root beer, "Ah, this is the life."
Lance laughed in agreement, pulling a knee up to his chest. "Oh yeah, brother."
"You guys are losers." Pidge kept her focused gaze on the burning marshmallow.
"Pidge," Lance pursed his lips in a judgmental expression, "You turn your marshmallows into coal."
Her eyes finally met his as she threw her free hand up. "That's how you're supposed to eat them!"
"Uh," Lance brought his leg back down and leaned forward to grab his stick, "False. Let me show you how it's done." He stuck two puffy marshmallows onto it and relaxed in his chair. He kept them away from the fire, rotating every few seconds. He stopped when they were a light golden brow. He pointed to the stick, "That's how you do it."
Pidge peeled off the black coating of her marshmallow and dropped it into her mouth. "Nope." She licked her fingers, "This is much better."
Lance turned his head, "Hunk."
Hunk held his hands up in defense. "Do not bring me into this."
"But-" Lance was cut off when his phone started to buzz. He huffed and reached into his jacket pocket. His face immediately brightened up when he saw the video chat ID. He leaned his stick up against the makeshift log table and smoothed his hair. Pidge and Hunk shared a curious look. Lance answered it with a smile, holding the phone up to reveal his glowing face and green jacket.
Keith was sitting at his desk with his phone propped up against the wall. He smiled and leaned down slightly. "Hi!"
"Hello there," Lance noticed Pidge's staring, "Um-"
"What are you doing?" He tucked a few strands of hair behind his ears. "Are you outside?"
"Uh, yeah." Lance turned his body to show Pidge and Hunk sitting around the fire behind him. "I'm with my friends."
"Oh!" Keith averted his gaze. "Did I interrupt?"
Pidge rolled her eyes, "Ye-"
"No, not at all." Lance shook his head and returned to his chair. "What are you up to?"
Pidge held up a hand in confusion, switching her confused gaze between Hunk and Lance.
Keith shrugged, "Nothing really." His rose cardigan swayed with the motion. He leaned close to the camera, "You're at a bonfire?"
"Yeah," he nodded, "a little weekend break before studying more."
"Aw," Keith playfully tilted his head and pouted, "You shoulda come to me."
Lance laugh and lowered his faint pink cheeks, "Ah, sorry."
Keith's shoulders lifted and bounced with his laughing. He did that thing Lance loved where he hid his face in his shoulders as his nose crinkled and showed off his teeth. Keith's laugh was adorable. Lance was glad that he found a new friend.
Keith snickered, "You better."
Pidge dramatically cleared her throat, eyes locked on Lance.
"Oh," Lance turned the camera to her, "This is Pidge. She's a little gremlin."
"Hey!" Pidge scolded him.
He moved the phone to the other chair, "And this is Hunk. He's a little bunny."
Hunk shrugged in agreement.
Keith waved a half-covered hand, "Hello everyone!"
Lance switched the camera back to him and turned the phone around to motion with his free hand. "Guys, this is my friend Keith."
Pidge scoffed and crossed her arms, speaking under her breath, "Friend."
Lance turned it back to him before Keith could wave again, "How are you feeling?"
Keith tucked more hair behind his ear and nodded, "I'm good. No huge problems."
"Huge problems?" Lance raised an eyebrow, "I wanna hear 'no problems.'"
Keith rolled his eyes and scoffed, "Do you even know who you're talking to?"
Lance laughed and sat back in his chair, "Are you doing anything fun for the weekend?"
Keith let out a nervous laugh and averted his gaze, "What would I be doing?"
"What would-" Lance dramatically scoffed and brought a hand to his chest, "Shopping? Theme park?" He motioned in front of him, "Bonfire?"
"You need a lot of friends to do that." He crossed his arms on his desk and leaned forward. "And healthy bones."
"Oh!" He held a finger up for emphasis. "Keith!"
Keith lifted his head, "What?"
"I have an important question." He leaned his elbows on his knees and used his free hand to emphasize every word. "It determines the fate of this friendship."
Keith scrunched his eyebrows together in confusion, "Um, okay?"
Lance took a dramatic pause, "How do you roast your marshmallows? Burnt or golden brown?"
Keith chuckled and lifted his arms off the desk to move the hair from his eyes, "Really? Okay." He shifted in his chair, "Burnt. Obviously."
"No!" Lance dramatically slapped his thigh and bet over.
"Ha!" Pidge stood and jabbed a finger at him. "Ha! I told you!"
"Ow," Lance clutched his chest, "I'm hurt." He looked back at Keith, "Why would you say that?!"
Keith laughed at him, leaning his cheek on his elbow. "You're so cute when you're angry."
"Ha!" Pidge shoved his shoulder and gave a victorious dance. "Pretty boy knows his shit! Hey," She grabbed the phone to talk to Keith, fighting off Lance. "You're in our group now."
"Pidge!" Lance reached for the phone, but she ducked under his arm. "Give it back!"
"No!" She jumped over a log and dodged him again. "He's my friend now!"

Room 1013
FanfictionKeith was in and out of the hospital for all of his life. He often snuck out of his room to wander the halls in an attempt to stifle his boredom. When he was ten years old, he found a boy in a coma-and he happened to be around his age. He would ofte...