"Keith?" Lance nudged his shoulder. "Keith?"
Keith's eyes fluttered open to reveal a smiling Lance knelt down in front of him. He had on a hat backwards and a puffy jacket to compliment it. "Hmm?" Keith sat up from the couch and rubbed his tired eyes. "What time is it?"
"It's eight." Lance leaned forward to kiss his head, then stood up. "Are you hungry?"
The memories of the day flooded back into Keith's mind. As much as he wanted to, he couldn't convince himself that it was all a dream. He couldn't just forget it. Keith looked up at Lance through his flickering eyelashes.
Lance met his eyes with a smile that quickly faltered, "What's wrong?" He knelt down and rested his hands on Keith's knees, rubbing up his thighs in concern. "Do you feel okay? You're not in pain, are you?" The glint of sadness that crossed his irises kept Keith from screaming at him right there.
Keith lifted his hand and hesitantly placed his fingertips over Lance's lips. He let them trace the hills and valleys of his skin. Everything about Lance was beautiful. Keith fell in love with absolutely everything. From his cute freckles that speckled his face and shoulders to the faint limp in his leg. His body was flawless-but it was also the same flawless body that used cocaine and any other drugs he did when he was out.
Lance gave him a confused scoff, "Keith? You alright?"
Keith laced his fingers into Lance's silly caramel hair and cradled the back of his head. "Fuck me tonight."
Lance's eyes went wide, "Uh, what?"
Keith pushed himself forward and pulled his chin up to lock their eyes. He sounded out every syllable as he spoke dreadfully slow. "Fuck me."
"Baby," Lance's voice became low and breathy, "You can't just say things like that."
Keith wrapped his arms around Lance's shoulders and his legs around his waist. He brought his tongue to Lance's neck and breathed in the smoky musk that permeated his skin. "I'm serious."
Lance gave in with a defeated grunt and picked Keith up to lie them both down on the couch. He brought their lips together in a messy kiss as their hands explored each other. Keith yanked Lance's hat off and threw it to the side, then tugged on his coat. Lance kept their lips locked as he lifted his chest and tossed his jacket on the floor. He lifted Keith onto his lap and took his cardigan and shirt off.
Keith was wearing a black lace bralette that happened to be Lance's favorite. When he saw it, he immediately brought his teeth to the strap. "I swear you plan this out."
"I actually don't." Keith was lowered back onto the couch. His fingers slid down Lance's stomach and hastily undid his jeans.
The only thing Keith could handle was to let himself go. He just wanted to cling to the man he knew-it was all he could think about. To prolong the fairytale bliss they were in for a little longer. All he had to do was forget what he saw. And in that moment, he did.
Lance nipped at the back of his neck as Keith was bent over with his fists on the armrest. With teary eyes and sweaty skin, he cried out as Lance turned him into a moaning mess. He looked back at him with bright red cheeks and panted, "I love you!"
Lance kissed between his shoulder blades and grunted with his thrusts. "I love you too!"
Keith slowly woke in the bedroom to the sound of shuffling. His eyes fluttered open as he lied still and scanned the dark room for the source of the wake-up. Through the moonlight, Lance slipped on his jacket and shoes. Light illuminated his face as he checked his phone, then slipped it back in his pocket.
Keith watched him carefully open the bedroom door and leave. He knew where Lance was going. It didn't take a genius to figure that out. But he let him go. Keith pretended he was going to play video games with his friends. That nothing bad was happening.
Keith rolled over and shut his eyes again. We're fine. Just for a little longer.

Room 1013
FanfictionKeith was in and out of the hospital for all of his life. He often snuck out of his room to wander the halls in an attempt to stifle his boredom. When he was ten years old, he found a boy in a coma-and he happened to be around his age. He would ofte...