Struggles of Isolation

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Lance let Keith sleep in as he went through his morning routine. It had been about three months since they'd returned home, and he had been really tired. Lance figured it was more because of the isolation than the actual transplant. They had been fighting more and more over things that didn't really matter at all. One day they stopped to realize that they were bickering about a mere plate.

Shiro and Allura visited often. They had to wear masks and gloves, but they never minded. Over time Keith wanted to hang out with them alone, so Lance would leave when they came over. He didn't mind it at first, but then it started making him feel really isolated. He knew that Keith had his own life, but Lance had left his family and friends back in Tennessee. Keith was all he had.

That's when he started going to bars. He couldn't drink, but it was fun to go and watch sports while enjoying the foods he couldn't eat at home. There was one day that a girl with an overwhelming amount of mascara and a mini skirt came up to him. She rested her arms on the bar to show off her boobs as she flirted with him. There was a split second where Lance almost gave in. He wanted to let go and have fun for once. But then he came to his senses and left immediately. He went home and wrapped Keith up in his arms. The only person he wanted was him.

Lance was frustrated. Physically, mentally, emotionally, and sexually. They hadn't slept together since before the transplant. Keith was always tired or emotional. If he didn't feel well, then they were fighting. Sex just wasn't a priority anymore.

Lance poured himself a cup of coffee and looked out the window as he sipped on it. It was a beautiful day. The birds were chirping, the sun was shining, and it wasn't too cold. He thought about taking Keith to the park. They almost never went out because of the risk of infection or the fact that Keith had to wear so many things to cover his skin. Maybe they could finally get their lives back to normal soon. It would take a year for Keith's immune system to develop, but that didn't mean he had to be a hermit.

Lance set the mug down on the counter and stretched his arms up as he returned to the room. He went to shake Keith's shoulder to wake him, but pulled his hand back when he coughed. Lance craned his neck to find Keith's face buried in the fluffy blankets. "Keith? You awake?"

Keith coughed again, which turned into a wheeze. "Yeah."

Lance gently pulled the blanket down to uncover him. "Keith are you feeling alright? You don't sou-oh my god!"

Keith's skin had darkened and developed patches of red, which he could tell had been scratched raw. He squeezed his eyes shut and rubbed them with the back of his thumbs. "Turn off the light. It hurts." His throat tightened again and he struggled to breathe.

"Keith!" Lance grabbed his wrist to look at the rashes. He tugged on his arm to try and get him to open his eyes. "How long have you been like this?!"

Keith winced and kept his eyes shut, "The rashes? Those have been there for a while."

Lance could feel anger boil in his chest, "What about your eyes? Are you-" he stopped to squint at the streaks on his cheeks, "Are you crying?"

"No," Keith pulled his arm out of Lance's grasp and coughed. "They're just really watery. And they burn."

"Are you serious right now?!" Lance threw the blanket back and laced his arms under Keith's body. "Get up. Right now. We're going to the hospital."

Keith was lifted off the bed and carried out of the room. He breathed heavily, "Why? I'm fine. I don't need to go back there."

"Are you out of your goddamn mind?!" Lance snatched his keys off the counter and stuffed his feet into his tennis shoes. He placed Keith in the passenger side of the car, "Put your seatbelt on. I'll be right back."

Keith opened his eyes just a little as he squinted against the light, "But I don't wanna-"

Lance shut the car door and ran back inside to grab a blanket, Keith's shoes, and his wallet. He returned to the car and fought with Keith to put his seatbelt on and cover himself with the blanket. He started down the road quickly, but carefully. His fist slammed down on the steering wheel, "Why the fuck didn't you tell me about this?!"

"I didn't think it was anything serious!" Keith rubbed his eyes and coughed. "Don't yell at me!"

"Dammit Keith." Lance shook his head and ran a hand through his hair. "Just sit tight. We'll be there soon."

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