Keith slept a lot after the transplant. Lance was told it was completely normal and he shouldn't worry. He caught up on his own sleep during that time as well. Sometimes Keith would get nauseous, but it was never bad. He ate a lot better, felt great, and had such high spirits. After a week passed, it was decided that he would stay in the hospital for two more weeks, then he could go home.
Lance slowly developed a new sense of hope as the days passed. He felt silly for thinking that Keith was going to die. In all actuality, Keith never looked better. When he wasn't sleeping he was talking to Lance for hours while they played cards.
Finally, Keith was discharged from the hospital. They were given a lot of instructions to follow along with many medications to take. The first thing Keith did when he got home was take a shower and immediately fall asleep in their bed, claiming "it's what heaven feels like."
"Keith?" Lance called his name through the house from the kitchen. "Keith, dinner's done." He waited for a few moments before scoffing and walking to their bedroom.
"Keith, it's time to-" Lance stopped when he reached the door frame. Keith wasn't there. He turned around and started toward the other end of their house. "Keith this isn't funny anymore."
Lance was completely bewildered and very concerned. Where is that little shit? He stood in their living room and pondered about where he should look next. As he turned to check the room again, his eyes caught sight of red out the front window. He stopped to look at what he saw.
Keith was standing outside in black sweatpants and a matching short-sleeved shirt. His red hat was tugged off his head and balled up in his fist. He was staring at the pink and red sunset in the sky with bright and sparkling eyes.
"Shit!" Lance dashed out the front door and picked him up. He quickly yanked him back inside and shut the door. He gasped for breaths as he tried to calm his pounding heart. "Keith, what the fuck are you doing?!"
Keith stared at him with shimmering eyes. Their shine had turned sour. He cowered his head, averting his gaze. "I just wanted to feel the sun."
"You can't do that!" Lance let out an angry breath and mashed his palm into his forehead. "You know you can't be in the sunlight."
"I'm fine!" Keith raised his hands to show off his body. "I'm just fine. Look at me! I'm not dead!"
"But you could be if you don't listen to what the doctors say!" Lance used his hands to emphasize his frustrated words. "There are rules!"
Keith crossed his arms and pouted. "You're bossy."
"And you're dumb!"
Keith's face immediately dropped. His lips shook as he tried to respond, but couldn't find the words.
"Shit. Keith that's not what I meant." Lance knew he fucked up. "I just meant that you were being too careless."
"No, I get it." Keith's jaw tightened. He gave a hesitant nod and took a couple steps back. "I'm just stupid, it's fine."
"Keith that's not-"
Keith whipped around and continued to their room, slamming the door and locking it behind him.
Lance walked over and stood with his hands against the door, "Keith please open the door. I didn't mean it."
"Go away!" Keith's voice was muffled by the barrier, but he could tell he was hurt.
Lance leaned his forehead against the wood. "Baby please open the door. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."
Keith was silent for a few moments. After what felt like forever, he responded in a low and bitter tone. "Sleep on the couch."
Lance's heart broke. He pleaded and begged for Keith to come out, but he never received an answer. All he could do was sit down and lean against the door. He continued to cry and apologize for hours.
Keith opened his eyes when he finally calmed down enough to stop crying. He looked over at the clock to see it was nearly three a.m. He sighed and pushed himself up, rubbing his sore eyes with his fists. The pitiful voice at the door had stopped some time earlier, but he couldn't remember when. The moonlight spilled into the room from the window on Lance's side. Keith stared down at the empty spot for a minute. It was strange not having anyone there. He couldn't remember the last time he slept alone. Even in the hospital Lance was always there to hold his hand.
Keith's eyes spilled over again, but his face held back the pain. He swallowed his pride and stood up with the blanket around his shoulders. The cold floor chilled his bare feet as he walked over to the door, pulling the covers off the bed. He stopped to stare at the door handle and listen for any more apologies. Nothing.
Keith's eyes stung and his cheeks collected waterfalls. He quietly unlocked the door and opened it just enough to peek out. At first, he didn't see Lance anywhere. But when he opened the door all the way, he stared down at the floor and shook his head. He crossed his arms, wrapping the blanket tighter around him. How pathetic.
Lance had fallen asleep lying on the floor outside the bedroom door. He must have been there until he passed out. Keith didn't want to admit it, but he felt guilty. It was his own fault that Lance got mad, and he acted irrationally.
Keith softened his face and dropped down next to him. He tugged the blanket off his shoulders and covered them up with it. As to not wake him, Keith quietly lied down and nuzzled into his chest. He could feel Lance's breath and hear his heartbeat. They brought a smile to his face and stopped his tears. Finally feeling safe and warm, he took a deep breath and let himself drift off to sleep on the hardwood floor.

Room 1013
FanfictionKeith was in and out of the hospital for all of his life. He often snuck out of his room to wander the halls in an attempt to stifle his boredom. When he was ten years old, he found a boy in a coma-and he happened to be around his age. He would ofte...