"No, you fall back first." Lance laughed as Keith looked down at his feet.
Keith stood with his back to Lance's chest. "Why do I have to fall back?"
"Because you're doing the girl part," Lance nudged his head toward the TV screen.
Keith furrowed his brows and pouted. "Why do I have to do the girl part? Why don't you do it?"
Lance laughed and tightened his hold on Keith's waist. "Because you're smaller!"
Keith scoffed, "That's a stupid reason."
"Do you really think you can pick me up and toss me around?"
Keith gasped and widened his sparkling eyes. An excited smile flashed across his face, "We're doing that?!"
"Well, if you can figure out how to fall back first!" Lance eyed his legs, "Can you do the splits?"
Keith's face contorted into a mixture of concern and curiosity. "No!" He looked back, "Do I have to?"
Lance shrugged, "I mean, it looks cool."
Keith drew in a long breath as he debated. "I'm gonna do it."
Keith knelt down to try putting himself into the splits, but couldn't go very far and ended up falling on his ass. Lance laughed at him and offered a hand, "Well, don't just try it without warming up!" He helped Keith up, then turned to the side, "Watch."
Lance knelt down and held himself up as he easily got into his front splits. He lifted his arms to frame him, "Ta-da!"
Keith crossed his arms and stared down at him. "Show-off."
"Well," Lance stood up and adjusted his clothes, "you may not be able to do the splits, but you can do this." He lowered down to grab Keith's thighs and put his on his shoulders.
Keith yelped and held onto his hair, "Lance! Put me down!"
Lance shook his head and held Keith's knees, "No, I think I'm comfortable like this."
"I'm not!" His body shook as it tried to find balance. "Put me down!"
"Nah, you're too cu-"
Keith yanked on his hair, "If you say I'm cute when I'm angry, I swear to god-!"
"Okay! Okay!" Lance stifled his laughs. "Just stay relaxed and I'll get you down."
"What the fuck is that supposed to-!" Keith yelped as Lance knelt down a tad to toss him up and catch him when he fell. Keith's hands latched onto his shirt as he spun them around a few times. "Lance! You son of a bitch!"
"Come on! We're dancing!"
Keith failed at hiding his smile. "You're so annoying!"
Lance let his legs down and held his waist to rest their foreheads together. He let his breathing slow as they relaxed. Keith rested his hands on Lance's chest and looked up at him with crystal violet stars. They closed their eyes and nuzzled their cheeks together, slowly leaning into a sweet kiss.
Keith pulled back and locked eyes with him, "I didn't mean it. You're not annoying."
Lance smiled and rested his head onto Keith's shoulder. He took a deep breath of Keith's strawberry-scented hair. "You're cute when you're angry."
"Lance!" Keith laughed and shoved him off. "Nevermind!" He walked around the couch and pointed at him, "You're totally annoying!"
Lance chased after him into the bedroom, "Keith!" He snatched him up by the waist and spun him again. After carefully setting him down, he kissed his cheek. "Let's get a shower."

Room 1013
FanfictionKeith was in and out of the hospital for all of his life. He often snuck out of his room to wander the halls in an attempt to stifle his boredom. When he was ten years old, he found a boy in a coma-and he happened to be around his age. He would ofte...