Keith stood leaning into Lance's chest. The sounds of laughing and chattering from the guests enveloped them in a blanket of joy. Keith absolutely loved the hanging lights of the reception area. Everything seemed like some kind of fairytale dream. He heard Krolia's heels click as she ran up to them.
"My baby!" She cooed over them with teary eyes.
"What up, bitches?" Pidge walked up beside them with a glass of sparkling cider in her hand.
Lance lifted a hand to greet her, "What up!"
"Aww!" Krolia pulled Keith from Lance's arm to bring him into a tight hug. "My little boy is married!"
"Mom," Keith strained, "you're crushing me."
She released him with a laugh and smoothed the skirt of his dress. Eric appeared and hung an arm over her shoulder, "How does it feel to be a Kogane?"
Lance flashed a wide smile, "It's the most amazing feeling in the world."
Keith couldn't hide his grin as he turned and pulled Lance's head down into a kiss. "You're so cute."
Pidge gave him a snarky glare, "Guess who called it?"
Lance scoffed, "I wasn't that bad."
Keith burst out laughing, "You were crying more than my mother and your grandmother combined!"
Lance ruffled his hair, "You were crying, too!"
Keith giggled and teased, "But I'm pretty when I cry!"
"You were a blubbering mess," Pidge took a sip of her drink.
Lance shot her a teasing glare, "You shut up."
Keith crossed an arm over his waist and cocked his hip. "It's true."
Lance threw his hands up in defeat, "You know what? That's fine." He brought Keith into a loving hug and kissed his cheek, "Because now I've got the cutest husband in the world!"
The group laughed and took sips of their drinks. They all turned when Hunk's voice came over the speakers, "The lovely couple will now share their first dance as husbands."
Keith and Lance shared a look and headed to the dance floor. When they got to the middle, Lance spun Keith and pulled him close. The noise died down to forest silence for a small moment. Violet and blue stayed locked in a cheeky stand-off as they waited.
The music faded in with a slow and sweet piano melody. Lance took the lead and swayed with the beat. Keith leaned up to keep their foreheads together, tangling their hair into a beautiful dark chocolate. He gave him a small kiss and let his mind wander back over their days. The story of their lives together.
"Who are you?" Keith's long eyelashes flickered in the cool air.
Lance stuffed his hands into his jean pockets, "My name is Lance." He pushed through his anxiety and locked eyes with him, "Lance McClain."
Keith stared at him for what seemed like hours. Then, his eyes widened. The parts of his cheeks Lance could see went red. Keith hopped back and retreated back inside to shut the door.
Lance twirled him around, causing his dress to flare. When he pulled him back to his chest, he spoke low and soft. "What are you thinking about?"
Keith took a deep breath and set his phone down on his desk. He used the leg that wasn't tucked into his chest to swing his chair from side to side. Pulling his sleeves over his palms, he hugged his knee.
"How long are you going to look at it?"
Keith looked over to see his mother leaning against the doorframe. He gave her a half hearted smile, "Until he calls."
"When we first met," Keith kissed his cheek and laughed. "I was so nervous."
Lance's chest resonated with a sweet chuckle. "I have a question."
Keith looked up at him, "Go ahead."
Lance spun him again, "When did you realize you liked me?"
Krolia had set the table and filled it with various platters and bowls. They sat down next to each other, eagerly reaching for their choice of food. After Lance had filled his plate, he picked up his fork, but stopped. Keith had several orange-tinted or matte-white bottles of pills surrounding his plate. He opened every one fluidly with a straight face. To Keith, this was a routine and mundane action. But to Lance, it was saddening. He set his fork back down and waited for Keith to finish taking them so they could start eating together.
Keith let out an embarrassed giggle, "The first time you waited for me to take my pills before eating."
Lance shot him a look of realization, "You noticed that?"
Keith pulled back and twirled into his arms, "Of course I did." He turned around to face him again, "Why? Did you think you were slick?"
Lance let out a laugh, "Yeah!"
Keith joined in his laughter and caught his breath with a happy sigh. "What about you?"
Lance's eyes widened, "When did I know I like you?"
Keith nodded.
Lance groaned in hesitance, "Well, I didn't realize it until you kissed me." He lifted a hand to brush his fingers over Keith's cheek, "But I started to like you when we watched Dead Poets Society and you talked through it."
Keith snickered, "You kept asking questi..." he trailed off. His face lit up, "You purposely asked questions to hear me talk?!"
Lance twirled him, "Yeah, I did." He gave him a loving smile. "You looked so cute when you explained things so passionately. I didn't care what it was about."
As the song ended, they gradually slowed their dancing. Keith melted into a deep kiss, wrapping his arms around Lance's neck.
Hunk's voice sounded from the mic again, "Lance has asked for his husband to remain on the dance floor for a special surprise."
As Gasolina started blasting through the speakers, Keith whimpered a faint, "No..."

Room 1013
Fiksi PenggemarKeith was in and out of the hospital for all of his life. He often snuck out of his room to wander the halls in an attempt to stifle his boredom. When he was ten years old, he found a boy in a coma-and he happened to be around his age. He would ofte...