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Keith didn't bother to knock on the door and just walked into his parent's house. "Mom! Dad! We're here!"

Krolia emerged from the kitchen in a floral apron with a towel in her hands. "My baby!" She outstretched her arms and brought him into a hug.

Keith pulled back and adjusted his mask, "Who's here already?" He craned his neck to look over her shoulder.

"I'm here!" Anabelle's voice sounded from the kitchen.

"Us, too!" Allura called rafter her.

Keith slipped by Krolia and trotted into the room to greet them. When he disappeared, Lance held his arms up to offer a hug to Krolia. She accepted with a motherly smile, "How are you doing, sweetie?"

Lance took a deep breath, then pulled back. "I'm good. Keith's getting stronger every day."

Krolia's eyes twinkled with a glimmer of hope. The bags under her eyes had gradually faded away over time. "I'm so glad."

Lance's chest warmed and spread to his cheeks. "Me, too." He perked up and locked eyes with her, "And Happy Thanksgiving, by the way."

"Likewise." Krolia motioned to the kitchen and started toward it. "Shall we?"

Lance nodded and joined the clutter of happy voices and dance music that spilled into the empty corners of the house. The air was filled with vanilla and cinnamon, laced with baking turkey. Lance had woken up with a snappy attitude, but it immediately melted away as he watched Keith and Anabelle jump around the kitchen in a peppy dance.

Keith's hair had started growing in a lot better than before. It still wasn't long enough for him to be comfortable, so he continued wearing the wig. His skin had finally cleared, leaving behind small patches of scarring that resembled faint reddish vitiligo. He smiled more, laughed more, danced more. Lance had to give him credit-he'd gotten a lot better at dancing. It was fluid and relaxed unlike before. It was probably because he was always in pain then.

Allura and Shiro turned to wave at Lance from the dining table. "Hey Lance!"

Keith stopped and caught his breath when he noticed Lance. "Hey."

Lance held his hands up in defense, "Don't stop just because I'm here."

Anabelle shot finger guns at him and shook her curly hair. "Bro! What's up?"

Lance repeated the action and laughed, "Anabelle, what's up?"

She let out a happy sigh and put her hands on her hips. "I'm great. Your man's the coolest." A smile painted her cheeks, "Pidge and Hunk are coming, right?"

Lance nodded and wrapped an arm around Keith's waist. "Yeah, they should be here soon."

"Hey kids!" Eric turned around to look at them from the kitchen counter. His hands were covered in flour and sticky dough. "I don't know what the hell I'm doing. Wanna help out?"

Everyone except Krolia was clueless until Hunk arrived, then he took over as the rest of them danced around the kitchen using wooden spoons and whisks as microphones. When dinner was finally done, they scrambled around and found a spot to sit. Eric and Krolia on the left side, Pidge and Hunk next to them, Allura and Shiro on the other side, and Keith and Lance beside them. Annabelle's sat at the end next to Lance.

Keith removed his mask as the others reached for the various platters and passed around a colorful array of bowls. He smirked and set it in his lap, "I'm surprised you're here, Shiro."

Shiro laughed and dropped a scoop of mashed potatoes onto his plate. "Where else would I be?"

Allura snickered, "With a certain somebody."

"Oh my god." He scoffed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "You guys are relentless."

"Just saying," Keith reached for a slice of turkey with a playful smirk painted on his lips.

Allura twirled her fork between her fingers. "Now that we know, you're never gonna live it down."

"Preach." Keith took a bite of his food.

Anabelle leaned over to Lance, "What are they talking about?"

Lance couldn't hold back his laughing anymore. He shook his head, "Shiro's sleeping with his teacher."

"Lance, I swear to god." Shiro glared at him.

"Ooo!" Anabelle leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms. "Drama!"

Krolia and Eric shared a smile and continued their separate conversation.

Lance took a few bites of his food as the voices around him faded into the background. The remnants of his headache creeped back from their hole and pounded on his skull. He tried to shake it off and focus, but it just made him even more irritable.

"Lance?" Keith tapped his shoulder and spoke quietly. "Are you alright?"

Lance gave him a confused smile, "Yeah, I'm just fine. Why?"

Keith squinted a little as his face contorted into bewilderment. He motioned to him with his wrist. "Your nose is bleeding."

Lance immediately dropped his fork and covered his nose with his hand. "Uh, I'll-um-"

Curious looks laced with worry shot up at him. Keith slid his napkin out from under his silverware and lifted it toward Lance's face.

Lance gently moved his offered hand away and stood up. "I'll be right back." He swiftly walked down the hall and locked himself in the guest bathroom. When he removed his hand from his nose, a streak of blood stained his skin. Lance turned to look into the mirror. A drop of blood was smeared on top of his lip. He sighed and tore off a paper towel to wipe it away.

Shiro turned to Keith and tilted his head, "What was that about?"

Keith looked into all their concerned eyes and flashed a bright smile. "He's just stressed."

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