grayson doesnt like you - e.d (pt.2)

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You guys were requesting part 2 so here it is:

Your POV

I sit up from my bed and tip toe to my bathroom quickly taking out my makeup bag from the drawer below the sink.

I quickly put on light makeup and pick out my outfit which consisted of black ripped jeans, white converse and grey long sleeve.

I grab my bag and slowly close the door heading to my car in the driveway and head over to the twins place.
I arrive shortly after about 20 minutes and knock on the door shaking with fear.

A wave of thoughts flew over my head as soon as I pressed my fist to the door.

What if they hate me. Maybe Ethan will break up with me. Grayson hates you. Ethan hates you. They never want to see me. They won't open the door. Their mad at me. Things will become chaos.

I take a small deep breath right as the door opens revealing a tired looking Grayson in Nike shorts with no shirt revealing his ripped abs.

"Y/N?" Grayson says rubbing his eyes
"Yea..." I say back
"Can I come in?" I say hesitating
"Yeah, yeah" he said surprisingly not annoyed

I take a step inside looking at the teared up living room with pillows and objects on the floor

"ETHAN!" Grayson yells up the stairs
"Y/N is here"

I stand awkwardly with Grayson and me Turing opposite directions as we wait for Ethan to come down.

"So how are you?" I say awkwardly
"Good" He says scratching his neck

A couple seconds a very messy Ethan comes slowly down the stairs  as he looks puffy eyed like he had been crying for days.

I smiled at him softly as he looked surprised as he saw me
He came close and wrapped his hands against my waist hugging me tightly. Whispering in my ear
"Don't leave me Y/N"

"I'm not Doofus" I say kissing his check patting his back

" Can we talk?" I say

Grayson looked at us walking away

"All of us" I say again

He looked at me and came back and sat down on the couch looking radically nervous.

I sat down the couch across from him expecting Ethan to sit next to Grayson but Ethan quickly sat next to me.

I have a confused look on my face as I look at them back and forth

Ethan has his head down low as Grayson is turning an opposite direction looking towards the door.

"The reason I came is to address everything and clear it."
"I know Ethan your upset that this is happening between me and your brother but I honestly wouldn't ever mean to hurt both of you and break you both apart"
"Grayson, I'm honestly confused on why you think I would hurt Ethan. I love him. I couldn't ask for better. I wouldn't ever try in my life hurt the people I love dearly" I say nervously

There was a moment of silence but it had stoped as Grayson quietly said something

"I'm sorry, I don't wanna be like this anymore. I'm sorry I accused you to hurting Ethan. I know you love him. I'm sorry Ethan that I caused this"
"I'm sorry" he said as he looked up,
dropping a tear from his eye.

I look over to Ethan who has his hood on wiping a tear from his cheek.

I sooth his back and held his hand as I know he hated that Grayson was in a hatred state with me.

Ethan got up, letting go of my hand slowly.
But I quickly pull his hand back looking in his teary  eyes knowing he wanted space

"Ethan...." Grayson said looking at his brother wiping a tear

Ethan looked back at him with no expression and rushed out the room.

Grayson put his head down in his hands
I heard sobs from him
I knew he knew he hurt his brother
He had hate towards me for no reason
Felt like his twins girlfriend was just a heartbreaker
Ethan wanted Grayson to trust his girlfriend
He's hurt that his brother couldn't trust his happiness.

I stand up sitting next to Grayson
Patting his back as I hug him
Tears fall onto my shirt as he hugs me back

"I'm sorry Y/N, I'm sorry I couldn't trust you. I know you love Ethan a lot and I don't know how I let that negativity into my head. I'm truly sorry."

"I forgive you, Grayson" I smile
"It's hard to forgive and forget but I know that you didn't mean it even though it hurt me"

He smiled back at me as he hugged me again
"Your a good person" He said
"I know why Ethan chose you"

That made me smile knowing we were taping back a ripped photo that needed to be taped back.

"I will be right back" I say as I pat Grayson's shoulder

I open up the door closing it behind me seeing Ethan leaning on his car outside looking out into the sky

"Hey" I whisper
I put my head on his shoulder as we stood in silence

"Me and Grayson worked it out" I say

"He's really sorry for this Ethan"

"Just know I'm not letting a wrong opinion tear us apart, I'm going to stay here with you no matter what happens"

"I love you" I explain

He looks at me straight in the eyes and kissed me passionately.
Then lifts my chin up, and whispers
"I love you too" "I always will"

I smile softly knowing the picture was taping back.

He held my hand as we walked in the house seeing Grayson who shot up his eyes towards Ethan.

Ethan goes up and hugs Grayson

I head to the bathroom as I give them a bit of space.

Then head back after eight minutes

They are both laughing as I came back.
Slowly spreading a smile across their face as I walk up to them.

"So are we all good?" I laugh
"Yea" they sat at the same time
We all smile

"Let's go get fro- yo?" I say
They smile at the idea and head out the door all together knowing that we taped back the picture.

Knowing Grayson no longer hated me.

Happy spring everyone:)
Thx for 1k views I'm happy that 1,000 have read this book haha🍦👀

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