better off - g.d {pt.2}

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‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾  ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙

you stare at the screen in shock.
for the first time after 4 days
of leaving you on delivered.

you sink in the feeling.
even if it was for a split second.

your fingers swipe on the icon that reads his username and text along.

  @ graysondolan
Aye - 23 mins ago

you start typing out what ur response.
not wanting to sound too clingy but not boring.

you press send as you throw your phone across the room not wanting to check.

100 thoughts cross ur mind.

you knew where the conversation would end up but wanted to sink it in anyway.


"how you been?" - just now

your face frowns immediately knowing your in pain and stress.
but you didn't want to tell him that.

you were so confused
one day he acts like
he still is madly in love with you
and the next
he acts like you don't exist.

"I'm fine, hbu?"
you ask as the conversations goes on.

leading to the past like always.

"I wish we were the same"
he says

"me too"
you say.

this was ur chance.
it was now or never.

either shoot your shot.
and find out if it's right to fix things.

or get rejected but finally move on.

you take a deep breath as you type out the next text.

"why did you loose feelings for me?"
• sent just now •

you bite you nails nervously.

seen just now.

"idk. we just stoped talking"
he said

"why'd you loose feelings?"
he asks

how do you tell someone
you lost feelings when you never did.

if you told him you did loose feelings, he'd either not care
or maybe care because maybe he does have feelings for you still?

you hoped he did and he was just lying.

this was your shot.

"how do I explain if I never lost them?"
you say

"you never lost feelings?"
he said

"if I say no imma look like a > 🤡"
you type back.

"no you wont."
"do you still like me?"
he says.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2021 ⏰

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