but you already are beautiful - g.d

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I felt sobs coming down my soft, Red cheeks. Wet drops flowing down my Cotton tee shirt. Chokes and loud sound filled and echoed the room as I put my head in my knees and harshly ran my hands through my hair feeling hurt and broken. Felt lonely thinking everything at once and spilling a tear for each thought. A screaming ease feeling in my heart.


Today I was feeling like just staying home and having a Vampire Diaries marathon. Blankets and chips were right by my side as my phone blew up with many comments from my Instagram. I opened up my phone and clicked the Instagram app button. As I started looking at pictures filled with hateful comments. "Ewww" , "Do you have makeup on because you look more like a clown" , "Take your insta down already" (Not true x you are all beautiful) This has been happening ever since I started dating Grayson but didn't really tell him much about it because he would always tell me to not listen. But I couldn't it got to me....Harshly. And tears have been flowing down for days now as the week has been staying home while people wanted me to go out including Ethan and Grayson but I declined...I now felt too insecure.
*End of earlier*
Tears kept falling and not stopping.

*Grayson POV*
Y/N has been acting weird these couple of days, declining outings and been staying home 24/7. It was beginning to feel even more suspicious that she had something she didn't want to tell me...So I decided I was going to her place and asking her what was wrong.
*End of POV*

My sobs have been getting louder, and louder. I couldn't handle the HATE. I sat on the floor sobbing and rocking myself on the cold wood floor. But I quickly heard someone coming upstairs. "Y/N!" , I hear a familiar voice call out my name. It was Grayson. But before I could even stop he bursted through the door.
He stood at the door looking shook and concerned.

Grays POV
I opened the door and called her name 2 times but no answer. I stood silent and heard faint sobs rush through the underneath hole of the door. She was crying. I ran upstairs quickly and called her name.
But when I opened the door it revealed y/n on the floor, crying and rocking herself.

I quickly ran to her and comforted her, wrapping my arms in her body and hushing her as she choked on her sobs.

"Help Me..", She whispered faintly.
"Why?", I replied
"Help me figure out I can be much better at being beautiful...", She said which made me heart ache thinking that about herself.
"But your already are Beautiful love and always will be to me and only me.", I said....

Cheesy ending but....Today was the twins 18th bday⭐️I'm so happy for them and hope they had a great day and hopefully you did too!!!! But I can't believe they are adults but I'm so proud of them💙💙💙

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