3 - Knighthood

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A/N - To prove she is worth any investment of Ingram's time, Uri has to work under the stern Proctor for a couple of days...


"Good morning," Danse greets, clapping Uri on the back as he enters the mess hall, "I hear that congratulations are in order?"

"Got that right," Uri announces, hopping up onto a bench and raising a can of purified water, "Hey - folks! I'm Sanchez, and I just got promoted to knighthood! Toast to me!"

Her boisterous behaviour gains mixed responses - a table of amused knights and a few scribe-initiates give her a quick cheer, whilst those passing by throw disgusted glares her way. The Paladin is far too used to her antics, by now. He doesn't bother to reprimand her - Danse chooses to take his seat and tuck into his oatmeal, instead. Soon enough, Uri hops down to take a seat beside him.

"So, I've been told you will be with Ingram for the next few days?"

"Mhm," she hums, halfway through a mouthful of her breakfast. Oatmeal made with brahmin milk is incredibly sticky, so it takes a moment for her to elaborate. "Elder Maxson allowed it after Ingram said she needs proof that I'm a trustworthy gal."

Danse snorts, "You? Trustworthy? I couldn't trust you with a box of snack cakes..."

"I reject that, Paladin. Remember that time I saved your snack cakes? If it wasn't for my trusty Buster, those ghouls would'a flattened them."

"Next time I see Buster, remind me to thank him."

She nudges him in the side, and Danse chuckles.

"Anyone ever told you your jokes are as bad as your awareness?"


Uri rolls her eyes, "Yeah. It's something you lack, Captain Oblivious."

Danse shakes his head as she chortles to herself, deciding his oatmeal is more entertaining than she is. It's then that they hear the telltale clanking of Ingram's armour stomp closer. Uri shovels the last of her breakfast into her mouth and presses a sticky kiss to the Paladin's cheek.

"Stop that!" He crows. The words are muffled by his oatmeal.

"See ya round, cutie!" She winks, earning a laugh from a few soldiers who caught the exchange. Ingram raises a curious brow, upon entering the mess hall. It seems everyone knows that incidents of an embarrassed Danse and amused soldiers are coming to be associated with her.

"When you're done painting the Paladin's cheeks, Knight. I want you in the armoury."

"Way ahead of you there, ma'am. After you."

Ingram rolls her eyes and spins on her armoured heels, and Uri follows her through the short hallway leading to the power armour stations. Uri watches as the Proctor comes to a halt by the first on the left. It's beautiful - a dull silver tone with the Brotherhood insignia painted on its chest. T-45 armour isn't all that, but Uri thinks back to that rusty set she used in Concord and beams. It's still better than nothing - and she supposes it'll run a lot better with Ingram keeping it up and running.

"It's a beauty," Uri crones, stroking one of its arms. She turns to Ingram with a beam on her face, "thank you, Proctor."

"Take good care of it. From your team's reports, you don't seem like the vigilant type. I don't want to be wasting what little supplies we've got on constant repairs..."

"I reject that," she huffs, "I'm a sniper. I'm stealthy. It just took some time to get used to the Brotherhood's methods. But, you can rest easy knowing I will look after this baby."

Now or Never: Elder Maxson x Reader - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now