9 - Conference

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Arthur's quarters are far too small to accommodate everyone, so a temporary conference room has been set up on the second floor of the airport. This is where Uri finds herself at 0900 hours, wishing that she could just go back to bed. Or Arthur's bed. No , she shakes her head. She needs to stay focused. It's kind of a big deal to be invited to such a prestigious meeting, as Danse had told her over seventeen times before they left the Prydwen's docking bay. The Elder called this upon their return to the Prydwen, according to the notes she is currently flicking through. So, he arranged a meeting about her mission without letting her know until the very last minute .


"Do you think they're in there, already?" Danse murmurs, looking rather pale. If Uri wasn't so fond of him she'd roll her eyes. Trust Paladin preppy to get nervous about meetings with the higher-ups.

"I don't know, Sir. You're my superior officer. Surely, if any of us is going to go in there, it should be you leading the way."

"Har har, Knight. You're a real comedian, you know that?"

"Cool your fusion core and knock on the damn door."

To Danse's relief, he never gets the chance. As Uri finishes her mocking order, the door is opened for them. There, beaming down at them, is Star Paladin Sykes. He grins widely as he notices the Paladin.

"Ahh, Danse. Wonderful to see you again!"

"Indeed, Sir," He forces a smile and salutes his superior, "I thought the Elder had sent you out on recon?"

"Yes - well, the Glowing Sea gets tiresome after a month or so. I heard you both took a venture in there?"

"We did," He grits. Uri frowns at the Star Paladin, considering how and who sent him on this so-called recon.

"It's alright, sport. Most ranks below don't last long against those rads. And don't get me started on those giant mole rats."

"Mole rats?" Uri raises a brow, "But there weren't any--"

"Soldiers, if you would be so kind as to join us - we are about ready to begin."

Arthur's commandeering tone quickly shuts Uri up. Looking unfazed by whatever she was about to say, Sykes heads to the spot beside Lancer-Captain Kells and takes a seat.

Dick , thinks Danse.

They take their seats at the end of the table, being the lowest-ranking members invited. Uri begins to feel bad for teasing her sponsor as they take their seats. He looks like a fish out of water, surrounded by so many superiors. Danse doesn't strike Uri as the type of man who is used to being in situations like this.

"Now," Arthur begins, "I trust that you have studied the reports I sent out to you?" Everyone nods, "Excellent. Then I will not bore you with the fine details, but I do want to discuss your views on the matter. As you know, it is unusual for an Elder to step into the field, and I am very aware that Bunker Hill was an exception we could all get on board with. However, Paladin Danse and Knight Sanchez have recovered some highly important details from their journey to the Glowing Sea. The task at hand sounds simple - to build the Relay, we need a Courser chip. To get a Courser chip, we must kill a Courser. However, Coursers are not ordinary synths. These machines have been designed to hunt down escapees and bring them back to the Institute. Their SPECIAL skillsets are higher than even the highest of our members, which makes them extremely dangerous. Therefor, I would like to propose that I go with Paladin Danse and Knight Sanchez to complete this mission."

" Elder ," Hisses Kells, "You have only just returned from negotiations with the Minutemen. And, with all due respect, it was not that long ago that we almost lost you to the wastes. I am not sure that our soldiers would feel comfortable with this--"

Now or Never: Elder Maxson x Reader - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now