7 - We Should

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It's risky, doing this in the home they currently share with Danse. But his overwhelming sense of fear is easily dampened when she closes her bedroom door behind them. She has his eyes locked in a seductive gaze that sets his body on fire.

"You can still back out, Elder. I'm not into force."

Uri reaches up, toying with the zip on her vault suit. Arthur's throat goes dry, eyes trapped on those lithe fingers. He chews on the inside of his cheek as she tugs it down. Lower, lower, till there's nowhere left for it to go. Then, she peels her arms from the fabric's hold - revealing dark, olive-toned skin that flashes orange under the light of the oil lamp on her bedside. She is still watching him as she shimmies the suit over her hips, then down over her legs. The boots slip off with ease; she kicks those, along with her suit, to the side.

He has seen her like this before, of course. After the time they had to jump in the harbour to avoid those mutated hounds. But, for some reason, seeing her so bare after months of knowing her... Knowing she is doing this for him, rather than for self-preservation, has his emotions reeling. There's a war plaguing his mind as he lets his gaze fall over her. Her skin, hairless from the Glowing Sea. Her eyes, dancing with mischief. The sight of her scalds his insides like the fire he had compared her to. So warm. So inviting.

"We shouldn't," He manages to say. It sounds entirely unconvincing, even to his own ears. Uri closes the distance between them, forcing him to meet her eyes. She studies his expression, then nods.

"Yes, we should."

She raises onto her tiptoes and presses a kiss to his lips. He draws back, slightly. Flinching as though her touch was a live wire. She hovers for another moment, and then closes the distance once more. But, instead of kissing him, she takes his lower lip between her teeth and tugs it teasingly. He chokes on a pleased sort of noise, and then he captures her waist with his hands - and he's kissing her back, letting his hands roam her body as he draws her closer. When he breaks away, it's to trail hungry kisses down her neck. She laughs breathlessly, reaching back to quickly unclasp her bra.

He immediately takes an already peaked nipple in his mouth, experimenting with what sensations seem to draw the sweetest sounds from her. Uri winds her hands into his hair, purring from the attention. He bites down a little too hard, causing her to gasp - he draws away, looking up at her with lidded eyes. His pupils have completely blown, and she swears to Atom above she could orgasm from the mere sight of the desire in his gaze.

"You're wearing too much," She whispers, then attacks his lips with hungry kisses. She pushes his coat off his shoulders, and It thuds to the ground. Uri's not sure she has heard a more satisfying sound. His breath is falling out in shallow pants as he explores her skin. Cupping her breasts, drawing patterns on her waist, learning the exact shape of her spine. She has to pull back; catch his wrists in her grasp.

"Let me get you out that damn suit, Arthur. Then you can touch whatever you like."

He nods and unzips his suit; lets her peel it away from him. The skin lying underneath is pale, and covered with reddish-pink marks from battles of the past. It tightens over the muscles of his abdomen at her touch. She finally rids him of the suit that may as well be an extra layer of skin; with how thin it is. How little it hides... She gives his chest a slight push, and he falls to sit on the end of her bed, feeling his face heat up as she removes his suit and underwear at the same time.

She eyes him carefully - the arched curve, the thick veins, the length, the girth. It's exactly as she had expected it to be, and she's delighted. She takes him in hand and he flinches, gnawing at the inside of his cheek. Fighting the carnal urge to just move. When he opens his eyes, they are glassy with need - and she's smiling up at him, all softness and warmth. Offering reassurance.

Now or Never: Elder Maxson x Reader - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now