4 - Cleansing

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The Lancer-Captain is a very no nonsense sort of guy. It's something that Knight Rhys has always admired about the man. So, considering that he was ordered to be at the helm by 12 noon, he was pleased for two reasons. One - he would be getting a lay in. Two - this meant his mission was going to be a good one.

Or so he had thought.

He double takes when he almost bumps into Uri. Truth be told, he hadn't expected her to still be here - thinking she would have either died in battle or just up and left. But no. Rhys has never been so lucky. It is with the utmost frustration that he now stands beside her, awaiting orders from Kells. Orders for the both of them.

"Knights!" He calls. Rhys straightens his already rigid stance. "I have a pressing matter that needs immediate attention. I've received reports that supplies have been disappearing from our supply depot at the airport. I suspect that this may be an inside job."

"Inside job?" Uri's brows raise in surprise, "do you have any suspects, sir?"

"This is treason we're talking about," the Lancer-Captain snaps, "In a case like this, you are either sure, or you are not. Until then, everyone is a suspect... I want you to take charge of the investigation, Sanchez. Rhys will be your backup. Report to Knight-Sergeant Gavil at the base. He commands our logistics division. He can familiarise you both with his division at the depot. Beyond that, you have leave to conduct your investigation as you see fit. Report your findings directly to me. Is that clear?"

"Crystal," she says. To an outsider like Kells, this seems as innocent and normal as any other subordinate taking orders... But Rhys knows her. He can see that gleam in her eyes and the smug smirk playing at her lips.


As soon as they are out the room, Uri reaches up to tousle his cropped hair - as though it will have any impact on the style.

"Missed you, pal!" She chirps, "Good to be back in friendly company."

"God, how I didn't miss you," he grumbles, "Grab what you need and meet me at the 'port transit."

"Hey - remember what our wonderful Lancer-Captain said. I'm in charge. Now, Knight Rhys: grab what you need and meet me at the 'port transit."

Rhys has to refrain from trying to put his fist through a wall as he collects his usual battle gear. To save a fusion core her forgoes the power armour - they shouldn't need it, in theory.

When he reaches the docking bay, Uri is already there. She stands leaning against the iron barricade, flicking the ash of her cigarette off the side of the Prydwen. It would be a pretty normal sight, if not for the fact that she is wearing a garish blue-and-yellow vault suit as opposed to her uniform.

"Where's your flight suit?" He snaps, capturing her attention.

"Hey to you too," she mutters, "my flight suit is almost as far up your ass as your head, idiot. And I ain't going up there to get it back. Come on - we have a job to do, you've held us up long enough."

"Nice to see you're still as crass as always. And by nice, I mean despicable."

"Can't all be as prissy as you, sweet pea."

Anger thrums through him as they land on the 'port's helipad. He can't believe he's stuck with her again - and that she has actually been promoted this early on. Oh, if he didn't have the respect for Arthur Maxson that he does, he would have a few choice words about it...

It only gets worse.

"Alright, dearest mistress - where might we find this 'Knight-Sergeant Gavil?"

Now or Never: Elder Maxson x Reader - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now