13 - The Freedom Trail

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Stepping back into Goodneighbor should not feel like a warm hug after a long day at work, but something about this misfit town just works for Uri Sanchez. It's wild and unpredictable, but fiercely loyal and a shit-ton of fun. Her kind of crazy. From the frown tugging at her Paladin's brow, she can see that he does not share her love for the patchwork town.

"I visited Goodneighbor once," He explains. "Lost one of my soldiers here... I never thought I'd return."

"We won't stay long," She lies. Uri has every intention of grabbing a drink in the Third Rail before they head off. Hell, she may even rent a room for them. A night of partying sounds perfect right about now. The vault dweller is still smiling at the concept when they step into the old burlesque theatre. It is just as dim and dusty as the last time Uri was here though, this time, a couple of clients are tucked into those strange memory pods. The Paladin suddenly stiffens. It doesn't go unnoticed.


His dark eyes are locked onto the nearest pod, and he's glowering . Their arrival garners the attention of Irma. The blonde bombshell seems to drink the Paladin's figure in, but the approval falls from her gaze as she notices the sour look he's wearing.

"Hello again, sweetheart," Her eyes momentarily flash to Uri. "Are you here for my wife?"

"That I am. Is she downstairs?"

"Of course," Irma rolls her eyes, "Where else would she be? Please, head on down. Atom knows she could do with a break."

Uri is relieved that Irma missed the Brotherhood sigil on her uniform, but knows that she will not be so lucky with Amari. The duo head down a narrow stairway to the basement, where the doctor has her sloped nose pressed against a terminal screen; lost in concentration so deep she doesn't notice when they walk in.

"Knock, knock!" Amari jumps. When the woman turns on her heels, her yellowed eyes are wide in fright.

"My!" She clutches at her chest. "Miss Sanchez. You took me by surprise..." After coming down from her shock, Amari seems to register the unfamiliar man casting a shadow in her workshop's doorway. She visibly tenses. "Who is this?"

"Paladin Danse of the Brotherhood of Steel," Danse answers before Uri can open her mouth.

" Brotherhood ?" She hisses. The faction sounds like poison, dripping from her tongue. "Sanchez, what are you doing with the Brotherhood on my doorstep?"

"It's a quick call," Uri says, holding her palms up in a silent apology, "I had to ask you something, if you have a minute?"

"Make it quick."

Uri senses that bringing Danse inside Goodneighbor was a mistake, so she complies.

"I'm looking for the Railroad. Long story short, we may have a way into the Institute - but we're gonna need a Courser chip decoding. Unless you have the means, we're thinking the guerrillas may be our best bet."

"You have a Courser chip?" It's the first time, despite everything, that she has seen the woman's jaw drop. "Wait, that means-- you fought a Courser? Oh my God."

"What do you mean?" Uri folds her arms, "you told me to."

"I suggested-- but never in a million years did I believe..." Amari is slow to pick up on Uri's growing anger but, when she does, she stops in her tracks. "Unfortunately, I can't help you." She eyes Danse for a moment, contemplating her words, and then turns back to the Knight. "Synths are one thing, but Coursers are alien territory to me. I don't have the slightest idea what that chip does, never mind how to decode it."

"Damnit Doc. Why tell me to hunt one down if you don't even know what they do?"

"For the exact reason that you came knocking on my door in the first place. There is only one group I know of who has a chance at cracking into Institute security, and that group is not your Brotherhood."

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