14 - Way Back Home

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The Railroad's headquarters are nothing like Uri had imagined. With Amari's insinuation that they possess technology like she has never seen - technology of hacking Institute data for their own gain - the Brotherhood Knight had assumed they lived in some sort of crazy, ex-office block heaped with old world terminals. To see them hidden away in the tomb of an old church is disappointing, to say the least. Though Uri does suspect that they have moved here recently. She doesn't ask, for she suspects they will lie, but the open graves and crumbling walls are a big giveaway. As Tom works on the chip, she wonders where they ran from - and why.

"Alright there, General?" Uri had been so lost in thought that she hadn't noticed the agent hopping up onto the coffin she is perched against. She turns to him now, noting the similarities and differences between him and "Stan." They could be two completely different people. Even knowing they are one and the same, not even the glasses would give him away.

"Peachy," She mutters. It's a lie, of course. Uri has been uncomfortable since stepping foot into the old tomb; matters were only made worse when Desdemona practically forced them into handing their Courser chip over in exchange for the relay code.

"Relax, Knight-General. Tom's a little crazy, but all geniuses are. He'll have your code in no time, then you can be on your merry way."

"You do know the Brotherhood will throw us overboard for giving you that chip, right?" She quips a concerned brow, but Deacon just laughs.

"That chip is two caps worth or scrap in the hands of anyone but Tom. I know your Brotherhood have their fancy pre-war tech, and they think they're the smartest son's of bitches in town, but they're wrong. Dez was right, earlier. It would take them months to decode that thing - maybe even longer. Hell, they may never crack it. It took us long enough..."

"It's whatever," She shakes her head. "I need the code now. Maxson will just have to deal with it. I'm sure he won't be complaining once we're in there."

"Damn right."

A comfortable silence settles between them, and the vault dweller finds her gaze drifting from Tom's handiwork to Danse. He is sat with the Railroad's doctor, looking a little more than uncomfortable as the brisk man patches up the scrapes he got from those damn ferals. When he notices that Uri is staring the Paladin offers her a comforting half-smile and, once again, she is hit by a wave of sisterly affection for him. She makes a mental note to give him every single box of snack cakes she comes across in future. He deserves that and more for putting up with her.

The Railroad agents are a stark contrast to her kind-hearted commanding officer. Whilst Deacon is friendly enough, Desdemona is rough and snappy; but even she could be considered a teddy bear when compared to the white-haired woman called 'Glory.' Uri has not spoken to the few other agents hanging around, and for good reason. Everyone looks positively horrified at her infiltration. If she possessed any sort of patience, she may have taken the time to learn why that is. But this is Uri. A tired, deflated, emotionally-bruised Uri. Patience is not her forte, so she grinds her teeth at every death stare and bears it.


"Yes?" He chuckles.

"Were you the one who left the tape in my cabin?"

"I had to get your attention somehow. Couldn't have the General leaving out little old us."

"But why?" she lowers her tone whilst watching her legs sway against the crumbling bricks. "Why did you need me?"

"You've made waves, Miss Sanchez. You may not realise it, but the Commonwealth does. Between your interview in D.C's paper, saving Nick Valentine, rebuilding the Minutemen and joining the Brotherhood, you've become a celebrity."

Now or Never: Elder Maxson x Reader - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now