20 - Recognition

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By the time they reach the Prydwen, the heavens have opened. Not even the deck scribes will brave this storm with its biting winds and pelting rain. Uri shivers in Danse's arms. He may be a human radiator, but he cannot keep her warm in these conditions. They need to get inside fast.

"Elder Maxson," Danse says, saluting upon departure. "Permission to come aboard?"

"Permission granted," He murmurs. Trust Danse, despite everything, to stick so strictly to protocol. The Elder does not have the energy to argue with the Paladin right now, but Danse knows from the sour expression his superior wears that this conversation is far from over... He had not told a soul of where he planned to go. It's the first time the Paladin has ever failed to report for duty. If he was not currently helping Uri off the vertibird he arrived on, Arthur would already have him cuffed for gross misconduct.

"Thanks," Uri rasps, patting Danse's hand before drawing away. Her heart hammers louder than the rain around them as she meets Arthur's eyes, but his anger is already giving way to concern. It's no wonder why. Danse wore that exact expression upon finding her in the state house. Concern. Fear. Care.

"Jesus, Uri," He gasps, and then he's everywhere. She supposes there's no need to hide anymore, considering his stunt with the kiss in front of every soldier under his command. He doesn't kiss her this time, but he draws her into a hug, wrapping his battle coat around them both and flinching as she presses her hands underneath his shirt. "You're freezing, damnit. Let's get you inside."

It's late, thank the lord. Everyone who is awake pauses upon noticing her, and stares. She can only imagine how much worse that would be if everyone was up and about. Danse has already disappeared into the bowels of the ship, leaving her alone with Arthur. He leads her up to his quarters, where clothes have already been laid out for her. After ordering Delay to refrain from disturbing them in case of an emergency, he locks the door and heads into his bathroom. A heartbeat later, his shower comes to life.

Uri has already sat herself on his couch, but she is not lounging as she usually would. No, her cockiness is non-existent. It almost makes him wonder if the woman before him is even her. She sits quietly with her hands in her lap, eyes downcast as though she's fascinated by her sorry-looking boots, but Arthur knows that she is lost in thought. His chest aches as he fights for something to say... But he doesn't want to push or pry. Yes, it is important that she debriefs them. But at the expense of her sanity? Judging from her frail stature, her mental capacity is already a loose cannon. Cade is going to have to give her a check up come morning.

"Come," He almost whispers. Like speaking too loud will scare her away. Uri's gaze is glassy as she looks his way. Upon seeing him half-naked, gesturing to the bathroom, she starts to undress. He has already lathered up his hair by the time she joins him - surprising him by wrapping her small arms around his abdomen from behind. The tension leaves her body as the hot water sprays down on them. Her cheek comes to rest between his shoulder blades, and Arthur just about catches the sigh that escapes her.

Eventually, he braves turning around. She lessens her grip to allow it, but doesn't attempt to give him any space. Not that he is complaining. With him shielding her from the water Uri looks up once more, and he's pleased to see the return of some colour to her cheeks. She lets him wash the irradiated rain water from her hair, and is shocked to find that this is the first time she has felt her body slacken since entering that hellhole below. Here she is, back with Arthur, and he's not badgering her for information. He is not barking orders in her direction, or playing nice to make up for any misdeeds. No. He's just here. Helping her bathe, peppering kisses across her forehead and letting her hold him when she needs to. His kindness brings tears to her eyes. She's surprised she has any left in the first place.

Now or Never: Elder Maxson x Reader - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now