17 - One More Tomorrow

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If Arthur notices Delaney's jaw drop, he doesn't show it. Uri does suppose they make a rather odd sight; the Brotherhood Elder following one of many Knights to his quarters, carrying two spoons and a Nuka Cola whilst he expertly balancing two bowls of brahmin-and-tato stew. The surprised guard is left to ponder what will happen next as Uri closes the door behind them.

"Well, that was exhausting," Uri says through a yawn. Arthur hums in response; too hungry to dwell on the meeting just yet. He has shoved three spoonfuls of the broth into his mouth before Uri so much as sits down, but she doesn't complain as he reaches over to pop off the lid of their shared Cola.

The last thing the Knight wants right now is a lack of conversation. Every time she's left with her thoughts, her mind goes into overdrive. The nerves she's dealing with feel like live wires... Lord only knows how the hell she will sleep tonight. It was apparent in their meeting that everyone is on board with Uri entering the Institute, considering her ties to one of the many missing people in the Commonwealth. The thought of her being the Knight to infiltrate becomes that much more appealing when you consider the circumstances of Shaun's disappearance - being stolen from a cryogenic vault and all. It was a huge relief to not have to fight her superiors, for a change.

Even though a part of her wanted to scream at them.

It wasn't necessarily the meeting that has her feeling drained... It's Quinlan. Ever since Ingram told Uri the tale of the Outcasts, the Proctor's disdainful behaviour makes sense. Where Kells works with the Elder, Quinlan is constantly poking holes. Not in such an overt manner that he could be considered unloyal - but in the snake-like, behind-the-scenes sort of way that reminds Uri of pubescent, middle-school drama. Only this isn't middle-school. This is post-war politics; much more dangerous than a bunch of kids mocking one another behind their 'friend's' back.

"I would ask if you are feeling alright, but I feel that would be a ridiculous question under current circumstances."

"You're not wrong," Uri smiles, though it's void of her usual spark. Grey-blue eyes continue to study her as she takes a shaky gulp of their Cola. "I'm just worried, is all. This... It's everything I've been fighting for. Tomorrow, I might finally see Shaun again... And I don't know how I feel about that."

Uri's voice falters with the tightening of her chest, and Arthur reaches over to take her hand in his. His calloused thumb traces soft patterns against her palm, and she wills the feather-like touch to distract her from the sudden wave of panic.

"What if he's not there, Arthur? What if he doesn't want me there? Maybe he enjoys being part of the Institute. He's just a kid - God knows what bullshit they've been pushing into his head."

"No matter what you find, you will get the answers you so desperately need. You will know the truth. Either way, you will finally be able to make peace with your past - maybe not instantly, but eventually... And I will be here for you. Always. That you can count on."

"Now, now," She laughs, but it's full of nerves as her eyes dart to the window. "Don't go making promises you can't keep."

"I never do," he swears, refusing to look away. She is full of doubt as she glances in his direction; feeling all-too-much like she is stuck in the tug of a black hole she is in absolutely no place to explore. Uri draws her hand away, masking her retreat behind a languid stretch as she stands.

"I'm going to grab a quick shower," she grimaces, "Sitting in Neriah's cesspit of a lab makes you feel like you've been rolling around the wastes and some."

"Alright," Arthur chuckles, fighting the painful clench of his chest. He reminds himself that he is lucky to get whatever he can. He may be in love with her, but she is still hurt by the murder of the synth-- of Jenny. On top of that, she is carrying two huge burdens. On one hand, she has a duty to Nate and Nora to find their son. On the other, she has to gather as much intel as possible on a top-secret organisation that they know next to nothing about... All whilst wondering if tomorrow will be her final day.

Now or Never: Elder Maxson x Reader - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now