5 - Irradiated

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Uri's brain feels like it has been stuffed with cotton wool. She can faintly hear something beeping and, surprisingly, it is this that irritates her into wakefulness... despite the heavy ringing that clouds her ears.

She's not sure how long it is before she can stand the light enough to open her eyes, but the sights she is met with jolts her into wakefulness. She has tubes stuck to every inch of her, it seems - she chokes against the one down her throat, and instinctively goes to pull it out. Someone realises, because her hands are quickly swatted away.

"Don't be ridiculous," Cade scolds, "I'll remove it. You'll just cause more damage."

Her airways feel scratchy, but having the damn thing out of her throat makes her feel a little better... Well, in terms of breathing. Every other inch of her feels like it's been bolted to the bed. As though knowing what she needs, Cade quickly returns with some water.

"Just sip. You're going to feel thirsty, but if you down the thing you're going to start vomiting again."

"Again?" she croaks, then does as he instructs.

"Do you remember anything?"

"Mm... I was... I was in the Glowing Sea, right?" He nods, "Right. And we... God, we must have been out there days... All I can remember is being on course for the checkpoint Arthur pointed out, and then..." Uri releases a rasping, frustrated sigh, "Nada."

"Uri... You were attacked by radscorpions," Cade explains, "Paladin Danse is fine, before you ask. You were the one who took the brunt of it."

"So... How long have I been out?"

"Two weeks."

Cade is watching her as though she is a time bomb. Whatever he expected from her in response - it certainly wasn't the wheezing laughter that soon becomes a coughing fit. The medic rolls his eyes and brings the water back over to her - she sips it gratefully.

"Ah, I wish I could let you in on the joke. Alright - two weeks... What else happened? I'm guessing a heavy case of radiation sickness?"

"Your helmet was disengaged in the fight. You suffered from radiation poisoning as a result... But also a rather horrible gash to the face."


"If it was not for the Paladin, you would have been lost out there. He ensured that the vertibird's search party found you both safely. He even removed his own helmet to put on you - if he hadn't, I imagine that you would have succumbed to the radiation before I could flush your system."

"Thanks, Doc... I'll thank Danse later, if he's around."

"Yes..." Cade trails off as he begins flicking through some sort of list. He does that for a few minutes. When he is done, the Medic flashes her a knowing look, "Elder Maxson was particularly unimpressed with your injuries."

"Yeah?" she chuckles, "Tell him to come in here, then. I'll show him how much more unimpressed I am."

But it's not Arthur who visits her first. Alice is a ball of nervous energy as she bounds into the bay, carrying a wilted set of purple, mutated flowers.

"How are you?" She asks, setting the flowers in a chipped vase by her bed. Uri puts on a brave face to curb the youngster's concern.

"Never better. I bet I have superpowers, now. Maybe I can spurt an extra arm at will - or another head!"

"Don't be telling the Proctors that," Alice giggles, "They have enough trouble with one of you."

"If you're saying Quinlan didn't shed a tear to think I was dead - you're lying to yourself."

Now or Never: Elder Maxson x Reader - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now