Chapter: Four

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Arvind Raizada sat on the couch in the Hall of the Gupta House, Looking expectantly at the couple seated right in front of him. He had put forth his proposal Fifteen Minutes Ago. The last Fifteen Minutes had been more than uncomfortable for all the beings settled in the Hall of that particularly spacious and Well built Villa Home.

But most of all... Arnav waited with bated breath, His heart beating wildly in his chest. More or less... His life depended on that one word.

The word The Guptas refused to utter.

And so... The hall was engulfed in the most uneasy and uncomfortable silence for a certain Raizada.

"There's no pressure Shashi Uncle Really" Arnav said even if for the sake of breaking the awkward silence

"Khushi... What if Khushi doesn't agree?" Garima asked

"Do you approve of this alliance Shashi??" Arvind asked excitedly

"I... Don't see why I shouldn't" Shashi said

Arnav released the breath he was holding.

Half the battle won!

"But Khushi..." Garima repeated her concern looking at her daughter

But the other half.

The most important half of the battle was yet to be fought

Arnav looked at Khushi who's eyes busy staring at her lap

"Please look up" Arnav thought

Khushi instantly looked up. And Her Hazel orbs collided with his chocolate ones.

"Khushi... Tum kya kehti ho titliya?? (What do you think Butterfly??)" Shashi asked expectantly

"Please... Please don't get pressurized into doing anything" Arnav Pleaded through his eyes

"I don't know..." Her eyes said

"I'm there with you... In everything you decide for yourself" He assured

"Promise?" She asked unsure

Arnav blinked his eyes in assurance

"What... Whatever you have decided should be in my best interest" Khushi said slowly

"But... Khushi it's still your life. Your choice" Ratna said

"I-I am ready if..." Khushi trailed off

"If..??" Arvind asked. While Arnav held his breath in anticipation

Khushi looked at Arnav with an expectant expression

"Hazel?" Arnav proceeded cautiously. Reading her has never been difficult for him. But right now... He couldn't afford a wild guess.

Khushi smiled, That was when he realized that he had called her Hazel His favorite nickname for her. He knew she loved that name too

It had been almost an year... Since he last called her Hazel

"We need to talk" Arnav said suddenly and Arnav saw her face flush in relief.

"Of course Chote..." Arvind said

Shashi smiled in encouragement

"Kya soch rahi ho?(What are you thinking?)" Arnav asked

"Consolation Prize bann jauingi na tumhara Arnav? (I'll be your consolation prize right?)" Khushi said in a whisper

"What??" Arnav asked confused

"I... I never wanted to be someone's second choice you know" Khushi confessed in a small voice


"Especially... Your" She added

"You're not... You're not anyone's second choice Hazel" Arnav said

"Remember Arnav... One day I had narrated you my dream wedding. That... White Horse... Prince Charming wedding" Khushi said

Arnav nodded

"Bachpan kitna acha tha naa... Koi complications nahi... Koi problems nahi. (Childhood was so... Beautiful. No complications... No problems)" Khushi said

"Koi... Hai tumhara Prince Charming??(Is there someone... Your Prince Charming??)" Arnav asked

"Prince Charming... Doesn't exist in real life" Khushi said

"It does Hazel. You just need to find him" Arnav said

"What if... I did?" Khushi said

"Kahaani sunoge?(Will you listen to a story?)" Khushi changed the topic suddenly


"Once... There was a girl, She was best friends with a boy. The Girl was called Khushi... And the boy was called Arnav. Both the Girl and the Boy's family were best friends. So they spent most of their childhood together. They played... They teased.. They laughed. Time passed... They grew up. One Day... Arnav went to another city on a college trip. For a week. That week was pure hell for Khushi... She had never lived even for a day. Here it was for a week... And-I was... Restless Arnav. That trip made me go mad!! A week without you" Khushi exclaimed. Tears formed in her doe eyes.


"I wanted you to be there... Beside me. Everyday. That one week... It made me realize something... Something I'm still fighting to come to terms with. You've become my Addiction Arnav Singh Raizada. An addiction I can't get rid of." Khushi confessed

Arnav didn't know what to feel... Happy?? Because His Love was reciprocated?? Or sad because He wasn't aware of this truth for the longest time of his life.


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