Chapter: Seventeen

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"Hazel" Arnav smiled when she jerked

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"Hazel" Arnav smiled when she jerked.

"You know what. I think I should start calling you touch me not" He whispered in her ear.

"No. I have a better idea. You should stop coming randomly and calling my name. You have no idea how much my heart races" Khushi said innocently.

"Are you sure it's because I startle you?" Arnav asked

Khushi looked at Arnav confused.

"Or maybe it's just a normal body reaction when I am near you. Doing this" Arnav stole a peck of her lips.

Khushi blushed scarlet.

"Dammnnn... You're covered in henna" Arnav exclaimed taking in her appearance.

"Its irritating" She whispered

"But you love applying henna" Arnav said confused

"I can't move. Or do stuff. Also my back is aching from sitting for so long" Khushi pouted

Arnav smiled at her.

"Wait a minute" He whispered and disappeared out of the view into the huge crowd of guests and relatives. Arnav came back carrying a bunch of pillows.

"Carefully move into a more relaxing position" Arnav said and crouched in front of her holding her lehenga up so that it doesn't spoil the henna on the feet as she moved. After that he arranged the pillows supporting her back.

"Better?" He asked softly.

Khushi nodded with a smile

"And now your man is at your service. Tell me what you want done and I'll do it for you" Arnav said

"Why are you so cute?" Khushi asked

"Umm. Did I hear you calling me cute Ms. Touch-Me-Not? Then who was the girl calling me Laad-Governor a while back??" Arnav pretended to think

"Someone with a lot more brains compared to your Ms. Touch-Me-Not. Because she's so right. You are such a Laad-Governor" Khushi said shaking her head

"Hey don't you dare say anything about my Touch-Me-Not. She's my baby girl." He mock-scolded

"Alright. Fine" Khushi said

"What are you two talking about?" Anjali asked 

"We are planning our suhaagraat. You Go away!!" Arnav said playfully pushing Anjali

Khushi stared at her to be husband with wide eyes for a good few seconds before recovering and retorting equally

"Yes Di. We were discussing our Suhaag Raat only and I was telling him that he will be sleeping on the couch for a good three weeks if he doesn't stop being a Laad-Governor" Khushi said winking at Arnav

"As if you will be able to resist me" Arnav smirked

"Arnav singh Raizada, You are so full of yourself!!" Khushi exclaimed

"Carry on with your bickering. I am going to look into the food arrangements. Have fun both of you!" Anjali said  

"Will you be able to resist me Hazel?" He whispered Oh-So-Huskily near her earlobe

"Yes" Khushi said  

"Really. Even if I do this!!" He discreetly bit her earlobe. Khushi somehow managed to hold back a moan and replied with a nod

"Fine. For now, You win! While both of us know who really did" Arnav kissed her forehead

Khushi looked down shyly 

"God you make me want to eat you up sometimes. No actually, All the time"  Arnav said holding her chin up.

"Who will you marry if you eat me up?" Khushi asked innocently

Arnav chuckled and kissed her nose 

"I love you so much!! I love you so much Arnav!!!" Khushi confessed with all the sincerity in the world. 

Arnav smiled and confessed "You know, For me being crazily in love was a myth. When I saw couples doing things. Kissing, Hugging, Sneakily holding hands. I had no idea what they were feeling. But now, In this moment Khushi I want you to know that I am going to love you from the core of my heart till the end of eternity. I will fill your whole life with colours and blessings and smiles and laughter.. And there's going to be no place for sorrow.. From this moment onwards, Till the time I stop breathing I'll keep you like the queen of my heart. You will be My life, My world, My everything. I promise!" Arnav said 

"Chotte.. Come on eat something. The dinner is being served" Arvind called for his son.

"Dad. I'm busy." Arnav replied.

Arvind looked into his direction only to find him feeding ice cream to Preet and Vish

"Being the ideal brother Haan?"

"All the girls need help in feeding themselves. Go look for your wifey. She must be starving too" Arnav said.

"Right. Where are Shyam and Akash? I think you need to remind them about their wives too" Arvind said

"They've already taken their wives upstairs and fed them. You look for Baba and go to your respective wives. My poor mothers would've been starving." Arnav sighed dramatically.

"And what about your hazel?" Arvind asked

"I had given her the milkshake a while back. I'm taking both our dinners to her room" Arnav replied.

Arvind smiled and made his way towards where he had seen his wife after talking to Shashi.

"Daant kha ke aaye hain? (Have you been scolded?)" Ratna asked.

"Bacche bade ho rahe hain Ratna. Unhe yaad karwaana pad raha hai humein ki humaari biwiyaan bhookhi hain! (Children are growing old Ratna. Now they have to remind us that our wives are starving)" Arvind said settling beside his wife.

"But Chotte doesn't know that his father doesn't eat before he feeds his mother the first morsel from his plate." Ratna smiled.

"Our son is going to be a great husband. He's going to treat Khushi like his queen" Arvind said softly.

"I know. Thank you for giving me such a beautiful family." Ratna said

"That should be me thanking you. Thank you for accepting me in your life Ratna." Arvind said.

Ratna smiled

"You're welcome." Ratna said

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