Chapter- Twenty Five

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Arnav was sitting on the couch, going through his mails when he felt the mobile slipping off his hands. "What the?!" He uttered looking at a smug khushi standing right in front of her.

"What happened?" Arnav asked, pulling her on his lap.

Khushi snuggled into his chest. "I was calling you for the last twenty minutes." She pouted.

"Why?" Arnav kissed the tip of her nose.

Khushi shrugged. "I forgot."

Arnav chuckled. "Oh hazel.. my baby."

Khushi frowned at him.

Arnav rubbed his nose with hers, making her giggle. "Why did you snatch my phone?"

"You were not paying attention to me, so I snatched your phone." Khushi replied cutely.

"So hazel was jealous of my phone?" Arnav asked mischievously.

"Not at all." She replied. "Why will I be?"

"That only you can tell." Arnav said

"Arnav" Khushi's voice grew adorably childlike.

"Hmm?" Arnav was running his fingers through her smooth locks.

Khushi rested her head on her husband's chest. "Nothing."

"Do you wanna say something hazel?" Arnav asked seriously.

"I.. I'm hungry." Khushi said burying herself more into his chest.

"Just that?" Arnav asked surprised.

"Is that not enough?" Khushi asked sarcastically.

Arnav bit his tongue. "Of course I didn't mean it that way."

Khushi twisted her lips, making Arnav smile.

"Don't laugh at me." Khushi narrowed her eyes at him and stood up from his lap.

Arnav's smile vanished, "I was not laughing Hazel, what happened to you?" He asked worriedly.

"I'm fine." Khushi said solemnly.

Arnav sighed and stood up from the couch. "Okay.. I'm sorry, although I really was not laughing at you baby." He spoke hugging her from behind.

"I know.. I was just messing with you." Khushi smiled brightly.

"Crazy woman." Arnav hit her head lightly with his own.

"From childhood itself." Khushi confirmed.

"Oh I know.. I've had the most experience with this bundle of craziness." Arnav said smiling softly at her and pecked her lips.

Khushi sighed, relaxing into his arms. "I really am hungry."

Arnav left her and walked up to the coffee table to pick an orange for Khushi. "Dinner won't take long, but till then you can have an orange. Sounds good?" He asked forwarding the fruit to her.

Khushi took the orange and settled on the couch gobbling it up like it was the most exquisite meal

Arnav kissed the top of her head affectionately. Just then, his phone pinged with an incoming message.

Arnav unlocked his phone and read the text.

"I'll be back Khush." Arnav took his laptop from the nearby table.

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