Chapter- Nineteen

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The house was decorated just as the bride and the groom would prefer for their marriage ceremony. There was a lot of hustle bustle, The house was filled with happy noises of the guests, children were playing in different groups making their parents run behind them ensuring their safety. Soft music was resonating in the vast hall from the huge music system that was installed in the hall.

Khushi was in the room getting the last minute touch up done. A few of her friends and Arnav's were there with her keeping her company as well as teasing her to their heart's content.

Arnav was sitting in front of the Sacred Fire as the mantras were being chanted doing everything as instructed.

"This is for the prosperous married life of the couple. May no evil eye fall upon the blessed couple." The priest blessed Arnav.

"Now you can call the bride" He instructed

Arnav's eyes brightened at the mention of his hazel and his face lit up with a dazzling smile. His eyes went towards the stairs on their own accord which was readily noticed by Anjali who smiled mischievously and nudged Payal who was fortunately for her and unfortunately for Arnav was standing just next to her.

"See there. Your impatient Arnav Bhai" Anjali whispered in Payal's ear.

Payal immediately looked in the said direction and saw Arnav smiling to himself. She made her way towards the altar

"Arnav Bhai" Payal tapped his shoulder lightly

He looked at his side to find Payal staring back at him with a mischievous grin. Arnav raised his brow at her

"Well.. I just wanted to ask what is making you smile so widely?" Payal asked Oh-So-Innocently

Arnav nodded thoughtfully a smirk replacing his earlier innocent smile and then scrunched his brows thinking hard.

Payal slapped her forehead mentally as she got an inkling of what was to come, regretting trying to tease his brother in law

"Just remember, you called for this" Was what Arnav's face read at the moment as he opened his mouth to answer his Sister-in-law's question.

"The same thing which was making you smile or rather blush beetroot red roughly nine months ago" Arnav answered with a mischievous glint in his eyes. Payal's cheeks turned pink as she lowered her eyes in shyness.

"She'll be here soon" Payal said smiling

"I can't wait to see her" He confessed genuinely.

"There's no way I can tease you, Is there? Who is so brutally honest about it?" Payal asked in disbelief

"Me" Arnav smirked

Payal huffed in annoyance and walked off towards the stairs to get Khushi, Arnav chuckled lightly at her retreating figure.

Minutes felt like hours as Arnav sat there waiting for his Khushi to show up, He felt his hands sweating with anticipation and nervousness and suddenly, His heart picked up the pace of a bullet train, He looked up at the top of the stairs only to see Khushi looking ethereal in a beautiful blood red bridal lehenga. Her cheeks turned red feeling an intense gaze at herself

 Her cheeks turned red feeling an intense gaze at herself

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