Chapter Twenty Eight (Last)

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It was the eleventh day of their honeymoon trip in paradise on earth-Switzerland. Arnav and  Khushi had visited the beautiful churches of Grossmünster and Fraumünster, visited the museums, strolled down the luxurious shopping street of Bahnhofstrasse (loaded their bags with a lot of shopping),tasted  traditional Swiss chocolate at Maestrani’s (the mess that it made *sigh*), made day trips to Rhine Falls, Liechtenstein and Jungfraujoch. 

Arnav, true to himself had not kept his hands off his gorgeous wife, even though they had succeeded in dragging themselves out of their hotel room for some much needed sightseeing and visited some of the most beautiful destinations of Switzerland. 

Each of their days, started with Khushi and Arnav having a quick romantic breakfast, with Khushi settled on Arnav's lap, and the man himself stealing kisses after kisses every once in a while, making Khushi blush the deepest shades of red imaginable. Afterwards, they would head out into the cityscape, having the time of their lives chatting, laughing, teasing and kissing each other a million times a day. And their days ended, with sweet and blissful love making.

Khushi was sitting in the dining area, nibbling at the cereal in her bowl, looking straight ahead as Arnav spoke to their parents back in India. Arnav looked back at her, "Stop playing with your food hazel." He kissed the top of her head. 

Khushi looked up, a smile broke out of her lips while Arnav settled on the chair next to hers after they were both done saying their goodbyes to the family.

"The cab's going to reach in ten minutes" Arnav ate a spoonful of cereal from the bowl.

"Where are we going?" Khushi enquired, anticipation shining in her warm hazel eyes.  

"We're going to Montreux." Arnav informed her, his own lips stretched into a grin of his own. 

"Ah, fancy


Hour later, Arnav and Khushi reached their destination. Arnav helped her out of the cab, and led her towards the Lake Promenade. The lakeside was crowded with patrons, citizens and couples strolling through the garden, enjoying the stunning view of the lake the lake led to a beautiful castle, Chateau de Chillon.

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