Chapter Twenty Four

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Khushi came out of the washroom freshly showered, She smiled looking at her husband sleeping like a baby. Khushi tiptoed to the bed, and sprinkled water from her wet hair on his face. Arnav groaned and buried his face in her lap. Khushi giggled.

Arnav caged her frame in his arms and pulled her to lie next to himself

Khushi gasped. "Arnav!!"

"Good Mornin' Hazel" He mumbled sleepily

Khushi ran her fingers through his morning locks, "Good Morning" She kissed his hair "Wake up Arnav."

"It's Sunday, Let me sleep" He snuggled more into her "You also sleep."

Khushi smiled at her husband's antics. "Its not sunday Arnav, and I have a lot to do today, I can't sleep baby."


"Come on Arnav, Wake up." Khushi whined "I have to go downstairs for the Aarti"

Arnav sat on the bed grumpily, "You are mean wifey." He complained.

"You are too cute hubby." Khushi pecked his lips.

"Mrs. Raizada, I'm not cute." Arnav said firmly, pulling her in his arms.

Khushi shook her head, trying to break the hug.

"Hazel, Freeze!!" Arnav tightened his hold on her.

Khushi pouted. "Please let me go?" She made a puppy face

Arnav shook his head. "Not before I get my morning kisses."

Khushi pecked his nose, "Happy?"

"A little downwards." Arnav prompted.

Khushi shook her head at his boldness.

"Come on hazel, aren't you getting late?" Arnav asked impatiently.

Khushi sighed, "What have I gotten myself into."

Arnav pulled her closer, taking her lower lip between his teeth. Khushi gasped.

"You were taking too much time" Arnav mumbled before taking her lips into a passionate, toe curling kiss.

"Chotte, You'll have to take Khushi to the Gupta House for her Pagh-Phera." Ratna told Arnav once they were done with their breakfast.

Arnav frowned, "Now what is that?"

"It's a ritual, in which the new bride is supposed to visit her maternal home after her marriage and get the blessings of her maternal family and ancestors for her happy and blissful married life." Ratna explained

"Haven't Maa and Baba blessed us already? What's the point of going again?" Arnav asked frowning

"It's a ritual chotte. We can't go against the traditions that are being followed for hundreds of years." Arvind said softly.

Arnav shook his head, "How many more rituals are there?" He asked

"This is the last one, if you exclude the mooh-dikhai but since we're holding a wedding reception for the two of you this sunday, I don't think a mooh-dikhai will be needed." Ratna explained.

Arnav nodded.

"Gudiya, I have taken out a saree, You'll have to change into that before you leave." Ratna told Khushi who nodded her head with a smile.

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