Chapter: Eleven

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Updating after long!!!!

Don't worry I never forgot this story...

So the update is dedicated to







It won't be wrong to say that I've made many friends on wattpad. These are some of the best writers in here... So here is a dedication.

Thanks for inspiring me unknowingly to write. Thanks alot.

Coming to the update

The guests had left hours ago, Leaving the Raizadas and The Guptas alone in the ever so grand Raizada Mansion to discuss the rest of the ceremonies and functions

"Garima Aunty.. I and Khushi have made a rough guest list. Here check it" Anjali said handing Garima the list

"Maa the printers will be here tomorrow afternoon, With Card Samples. Saale-Sahab keep yourself free after three So that you guys don't face a problem later on" Shyam said

"Sure Jijaji. BTW, Mom did Guruji tell you the dates already?" Arnav asked

"Yeah.. Guruji had called before the engagement, I have a few dates. You people can decide and then we'll plan everything accordingly" Ratna said

"Oh.. Hazel did you call NK and La?" Arnav asked

"Yeah... And I almost ended up losing my hearing sense by the time they finished. NK was squealing like a teenage schoolgirl" Khushi said rubbing her ears with a pout

Arnav chuckled hearing that.

"You're so cute Hazel" Arnav cooed softly

Khushi blushed cherry red

"Okay Now love birds.. It's your wedding, Check this guest list and see if we missed someone" Anjali said with a teasing smile

"Oh yeah... I have a few people in mind I'm sure you have forgotten" Arnav said

"Yeah.. You must be looking forward to inviting your business associates. Go on" Ratna said


"Bhai.. You can tell me whom you are inviting. I'll make sure I personally go and invite them" Akash said

"No.. Akash, That will be handled. I personally want to handle their invitation" Arnav said earning a surprised look from both his parents and In-Laws

"Who is it, Who is so important that ASR is personally inviting him/her?!" Arvind asked

"Oh, I'll tell ya later on Dad. Maa what are the dates Guruji has given?" Arnav asked

"There are three dates.. The earliest one is in three days on sunday.. The next two dates are next Wednesday and Saturday respectively" Ratna said

"Sunday is too early, I think we should go for next week, Saturday? What say kids?" Arvind asked unknowingly shocking the two lovebirds in the process

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