Chapter Twenty Three

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Khushi was chatting animatedly to his mother sitting in the hall while Arnav was admiring her standing at a distance, A permanent smile plastered on his face.

What are you doing lad?” He heard his father asking.

What am I doing?” He frowned, not looking away from the enchanting view his mother and wife presented.

That's what I am asking Arnav, What's going on?” Arvind asked

Nothing.”  Arnav shrugged.

I can see that, clearly.” Arvind remarked teasingly.

Why are you teasing me like that?” Arnav whined

You know I love to, Aise maukon ko choda nahi jaata [Chances like these aren't supposed to be let gone of]” Arvind said grinning.

Arnav shook his head, “I can't get enough of these two, Never.” Arnav confessed as the ladies in question giggled at something.

Arvind smiled, “I'm so happy to hear you say that. Finally, happiness has presented itself at our doorstep.” Arvind said gleefully.

I'll make sure it stays intact forever.“ Arnav said with determination shining in his chocolate orbs.

Arvind nodded. “Arnav, I was thinking of having a reception for the staff. The marriage was an extremely private affair already, But the world sure needs to know that the most eligible bachelor of the fashion industry is now taken.” Arvind winked.

Arnav grinned, “I sure like the sound of that.

We can have the Reception on the coming sunday then.” Arvind said, mirth shining in his expressive greyish black eyes.

Fine by me.” Arnav shrugged in affirmation.

Great then, Khushi has to join the hospital the week after, right?” Arvind asked

Yes, That's what she told me.” Arnav nodded.


How much will you talk Hazel?” Arnav exclaimed settling on the armrest of the couch Khushi was sitting in and wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

Khushi looked up at him, “You got a problem with me talking?” She raised her eyebrow at him.

He's jealous that you're talking to me and not him.” Ratna said matter of factly.

Is that right Arnav?” Khushi asked ber husband with a playful grin.

Mother knows her children best Hazel, Don't you know that?” Arnav asked

The two ladies burst into laughter at his response.

Now that you know.. Can I have my hazel to myself for some time?” Arnav asked

Arnav!” Khushi looked at him wide eyed.

What?” Arnav made an innocent face “You're my wife.

Khushi sighed at his dramatics, “When did Arnav Singh Raizada turn into a dramebaaz?” She asked

Yesterday, because he got married to the biggest drama queen of the century. Such company has to leave it's mark on oneself.” Arnav winked.

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