Chapter- Twenty One

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When Khushi stepped out of the washroom, freshly showered Arnav was sitting comfortably supported by the headrest. He pulled Khushi on his lap.

"Stop being so shameless Raizada!!" Khushi chided hitting his chest lightly.

"Mrs. Raizada you're such a spoilt sport!" Arnav complained nuzzling her neck.

"Arnav please" Khushi whisper-pleaded. Arnav sighed into her hair pulling her more into his arms. Khushi hugged him back.

"Finally, You're mine!" Arnav kissed her hair

Khushi smiled into his chest.

"How did I get so lucky to have you here, in my arms as my legally wedded wife?" Arnav asked Khushi causing her to look up at him almost bewildered.

"Maybe, We were always meant to be together" She answered smiling at him. Arnav stared at her lovingly.

"You will never know.. Never" He whispered, placing her on the soft mattress and started hovering over her dropping kisses on the whole of Khushi's face making her giggle.

"What won't I ever know?" Khushi asked in a barely audible whisper amid the drugging kisses of her husband

"You'll never know what.." He kissed her eyelids one by one "These beautiful eyes of yours do to me"

Khushi opened her eyes and took a sharp intake of breath, on witnessing raw passion reflecting in her husband's eyes.

"Arnav" His name rolled off her tongue in a daze.

"Or these cheeks, When they get painted in tinges of red" His breath fanned her cheeks which had turned crimson by then "Like.. right now"

"What.. do they do to you?" She asked with a glint of mischief in her voice.

"They.. They make me want to make you mine.. In every freaking possible way" Arnav replied with brutal honesty

Khushi bit her lip, Arnav groaned.

"Hazel don't bite your lips Dammit!!" He growled before placing his rough lips on her soft petals, Taking her lips into a toe-curling kiss, Khushi closed her eyes sneaking her hands into his locks reciprocating the kiss. Minutes later they broke the kiss in need of oxygen.

"God, I love you so much" He breathed against her slightly swollen lips.

"I love you too" She confessed before she was taken into another mind numbing kiss by her husband.

The next morning, Arnav woke up to the most awaited sight of his life. Khushi was sleeping peacefully in the enclosure of her husband's arms, Her head resting on his chest, her arms wrapped around Arnav's torso. His eyes wandered off to her swollen-lips, A small smile lit up his face as he remembered the kisses that they had shared last night.

"You're a drug hazel" Arnav thought, Remembering the most beautiful night of his existence. He then traced her collarbone, still red from his ministrations of last night.

Arnav dropped feathery kisses on her bare collarbone only to hear her groaning in protest.

"Morning Hazel" He cooed, Khushi snuggled into him mumbling incoherently. Arnav chuckled at her childish antics

"What time.. is it?" Khushi asked sleepily

"It's Half past eight" He informed. Khushi's eyes flew open with a jerk.

"I'm late on the very first day of my marriage, What a first impression Khushi!!" Khushi mumbled inaudibly, but audible enough to Arnav who laughed hearing her monologue.

"You know you don't have to make an impression on them right? You've practically grown up here." Arnav said softly.

"That's different." Khushi shrugged his words off

"How may I know?" Arnav asked curiously

"Er.. I wasn't the Daughter in law of this house earlier." Khushi replied. Arnav chuckled again.

"Will you stop laughing Arnav?" Khushi asked giving him a stern look

"Hazel.. Darling, You're so cute" Arnav kissed her nose. "They'll understand that.. we were tired."

"But.." Khushi started but was silenced by a light peck on her lips from her husband

"It was supposed to be our first night Hazel, They know what we might be upto." Arnav said softly.

Khushi nodded. "I'll freshen up quickly" Arnav tossed his T-Shirt at her and gestured her to put it on

"You need help?" Arnav asked, Khushi raised her brow "I mean in selecting the clothes"

"No thank you, I think I'll manage alright" Khushi said calmly and got up to get out of bed only to fall back with a small yelp of pain

"You okay?" Arnav asked concerned.

"I-I.. Yeah I'm fine." Khushi assured him

"Now.. it doesn't look like that. Is it hurting?" Arnav asked softly

"A little, But it'll go. Don't worry about it." Khushi smiled at him.

"I'll just go and make a warm relaxing bath for you. Stay here till I come back" Arnav pushed her gently into the bed.

"Arnav I'm really-" Arnav put a finger on her lips.

"Shh.. Stay here, I'll be back." Arnav whispered. Khushi nodded accepting her defeat.

A little later, Arnav carried Khushi into the bathroom.

"Arnav.. I'm not a baby" Khushi whined.

"That's your misconception hazel, Of course you're a baby." He kissed her nose, "My baby!" Khushi giggled.

"No I'm not a baby" She repeated firmly.

"Yes! You are!!"

"Okay, Fine now put me down." Khushi said when they reached near the bathroom door. Arnav obliged and helped her to her feet.

"Take care of my baby, Okay?" Arnav teased.

"Idiot Raizada!!"

"But you love this idiot" Arnav stated matter of factly.

"That I do.. Because he's my idiot. Only mine!!"

"Only yours" Arnav kissed her lips before she ran into the washroom causing Arnav to let out a heart-warming laughter.

I don't know if Heartwarming chuckle is a thing or not. 😜😜I'm sorry for not updating On Sunday as promised. I was busy with family.

So.. Um.. As you can clearly see.. This update kind of didn't come up as expected. Also very short. I hope to do better in later chapters.

So.. Let me know how good or bad this Chapter is.

Not bad

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