Chapter: Fourteen

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Arnav was standing at the Airport waiting for the arrival of his best-friend cum brother Nikhil Sharma and His wife Lavanya Kashyap Sharma from Switzerland where the newly wedded couple had gone for their honeymoon. He was checking his watch every few minutes.

"Impatient Are we?" Said someone from behind Arnav which made him turn abruptly and come face to face with a man in his mid-twenties

"Nk! Finally man. I was waiting for you for a very long time" Arnav smiled

"Nannav mere bhai... Tum mujhe miss kar rahe the? (Were you missing me. Nannav my brother)" NK asked. Arnav's smile immediately turned into a frown

"For God's sake NK, What kind of satisfaction do you get from calling me that?" Arnav asked irritated


"My parents have named me pretty good NK. My name is Arnav Singh Raizada. And I love my name." Arnav said cutting him in the middle

"Okay Angry young man. Bhoosa mat karo (don't be straw)" NK said

"Seriously NK, Jab tumhe hindi nahi aati
hai.. Toh uska murder karne par kyu tule rehte ho tum? Bhoosa nahi hota.. Gussa! Gussa hota hai. (When you don't know hindi..then why are you hell bent on murdering it! It's not straw but anger)" Arnav said shaking his head

"Oh.. Right. Gussa (Anger)" NK acknowledged scratching his head

"Anyway.. Leave all that, Tell me how was your journey?" Arnav asked

"Fantastic!" Lavanya squealed

"Ow.. I can well understand what my lovely as ever would be wife went through when she called you. Lavanya I'd be grateful if you don't squeal like that hereafter" Arnav said rubbing his ears with a frown on his face.

Lavanya smiled and nodded.

"Don't squeal that often. Do I?" Lavanya asked innocently

"Nah... I do that more than you" NK winked at his better half

"Then it must be you who damaged Khushi's ears that fortunate day" arnav said

"Maybe.." NK shrugged

"On that note.. Let's go home guys. Everyone's waiting for you" Arnav lead the two towards his car.

"Nann-" A shrill voice of phone ringing cut NK short

Arnav took the call



"Guys.. I'll have to take this one. Just wait here" Arnav told the couple

Nk nodded

"Is it done?" Nk raised an eyebrow seeing Arnav returning

"Yeah.. Done. Let's go" Arnav literally shoved the poor man into his SUV

"Took you long enough" Lavanya commented

"A marriage is happening back home Lav. It's bound to be stressful" Arnav said starting the car

"So finally Khushi is becoming my Bhabi?" NK asked keenly

"Yeah.. I guess that's what you're here for?" Arnav stated

"Details." The couple demanded in unison

"What details?" Arnav asked nonchalantly

"Um.. For starters, You were marrying Dia right? Then why this sudden switch?" Lavanya asked

"You both know I never got to have a say in Dia's matter. And then.. She eloped just a few days before our marriage. Many things have changed in the last few days, For the better I dare say." Arnav said

"Finally you're happy with your one true love" NK said with a genuine smile

"That I am.. You can't imagine how happy I was when she confessed that she loves me" Arnav said

"Oh! So hers was the first confession!" Lavanya gasped

"You'd have expected me to do it." Arnav sighed

"Honestly, Yes." NK said

"I agree with that. Traditionally, It's the boys who take the first step. Though, It's never in the Raizada blood to follow traditions. I hear Aunty proposed to uncle first" Lavanya said

"Yeah.. That's right. Dad was pretty messed up by the time He and Mom came together. Mom had to work hard to make him agree to give this relationship a chance" Arnav said with a sigh

"Pardon us, We didn't get ya!" NK said

"I'll tell you, Once we reach home" Arnav dismissed them

"Khushi are they?-" Arnav asked entering the house catching Khushi who was going to follow Ratna inside her room

"Not yet.. But they'll be here soon" Khushi whispered

"Did they call you?" Arnav asked

"Yeah.. They did. There's nothing we can do about the older lot though... I am sorry"

Arnav sighed

"Doesn't matter. Dad wouldn't appreciate them coming anyway" Arnav said

"I'll just get Ma and Baba out. Just text me when they're here" Khushi said

"Sure I'll do that" Arnav said letting go of Khushi who ran to catch up with Ratna

"Careful Hazel" Arnav called after her but she had by then skipped away.

Shortly afterwards, Arnav was standing in a quiet corner of the room looking at the hustle-bustle of the room when something, Or rather someone caught his attention. Arnav smiled before making his way towards them

"Pranam (Greetings)" Arnav bent to take the blessings of the lady

"Pranaam Bacche, Khush Raho (Greetings child, Stay happy)" She blessed Arnav.

"Ander Aaiye Please. Vishakha aur Preet nahi aaye? (Come in Please. Vishakha and Preet didn't come?)" Arnav asked scanning the entrance

"Ah.. Aati hongi dono. Kya hai na.. Vishu ko raste mein kuch kaam tha.. Isiliye, Abhi kuch der mein aa jayengi (They'll both come. The thing is.. That Vishu had an errand to run on the way. They'll be here in a while)" She said

"Please make yourself comfortable, I'll just look for Khushi." Arnav said

She smiled as Arnav made his way towards one of the rooms

Arvind and Ratna accompanied by their kids Khushi and Her parents came in the hall

"What is happening here Chote? Will you please tell us who is the one you want us to meet?" Arvind asked

"Be patient Dad" Arnav said

Arnav and Khushi stopped right in front of the woman from earlier and parted.

Arvind and Ratna were now face to face with the woman

Cliffhanger!!!! Yaaayyyyyy!!!!

Hi guys... So, Early update?

So yeah.. Admissions process is almost over. And I am a little free.

Next chapter is here.

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