Chapter two

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So on the last chapter, I forgot to inform you all that I didn't do much research. So i bet the story so far is confusing? I don't know, but I promise I'll try to do better research in the future! :)

"So, have you decided on what you're gonna do for community service?" Luke picks at his dinner.

"No, have you?"

"I'm gonna pick the orphanage. You should pick that too. I mean, if you wanna." He twirls his spoon.

"I guess, but I don't really feel like doing anything." I sigh, glancing out the window. "You should do your homework. I'll clean up."

Luke rushes up to his room, while I wash the dishes and tidy up the kitchen.

I let the cool water touch my skin, my mind drifting off to graduation, summer, and that boy I bumped into earlier today.

He was so beautiful. I've never seen someone as beautiful as him. His brown, curly hair. His gorgeous green eyes. His tall figure. Everything about him was so... Perfect.

I turn off the water, and head straight to bed. My mind kept on thinking about this boy, I couldn't sleep.

I finally got him out of the picture, thinking of more important things than a silly crush. I won't even see him ever again.


"Alright, class have you all decided on what you're gonna do?" The teacher leans on her desk.

A few students mumble a 'yes' and some just stay quiet.

I haven't even decided and it's due today. I already got my signature from Luke, that's it.

The teacher walks around collecting the paper. I paniced and without even thinking, circled a random option.

"Miss Grande, your paper?" The teacher puts her free hand out. Once I give her my paper, she frowns a little at my last minute choice.

"Are you sure you can handle this?" She asks, examing my paper.

"Yeah. Of course!" I fake a smile.

"Well, alright." She mutters and continues to collect the papers.

Once she finished, she dismissed us all.

"Ariana? Could you stay in for a minute or two?" The teacher asks.

"Sure, Mrs. Moriyama." I grip onto my backpack strap, walking towards her. "Uh, what's up?"

"I'm just a little worried about your choice." She hands me back my paper.

I bite my bottom lip, seeing that I chose mental foster care.

"You're the only one who chose that option so far. Do you want to change it, maybe?" She suggests.

I hesitate, maybe mental foster care can't be that bad. I mean, I should try new things. I only have one life in a little amount of time.

"No thanks. I'll keep my choice." I hand her back my paper.

"Okay. But if you ever want to change this, feel free to." She gives me a warm smile, shooing me off to my next class.

I barely focus in class, letting Mrs. Moriyama's concerns creep into my head.

Why the hell would she be so worried about my choice? I may be the only who took it, but it can't be that bad, right?

I shake my thought away, focusing on the equation on the board.

I scribble my work in frustration, not getting what the lesson is. "Stupid math." I mutter to myself.

"Ariana, calm down." The voice next to me says.

"Oh, shut up." I playfully smirk at the brunette boy.

He fakes a gasp, putting his hands on his hips, like a little drama queen,"You do not tell the Louis Tomlinson to shut up." He quotes shut up.

"Whatever." I roll my eyes at my best friend and turn my attention back to my work.

"Do you want help with that?" He chuckles, looking at my messy work.

"No, I got this." I scribble down more numbers. "Fine, Help me please." I beg after a few minutes of not getting any of this crap.

Louis perfectly explains the whole equation to me.

My brain becomes relieved, happy that I now got it. "Thanks Lou." I quickly kiss his soft cheek.

Louis and I have been pretty close ever since year 7. But we're not as close as Luke and I are. In year 11, Lou confessed his love for me, for that I really didn't feel the same way. It broke his fragile heart, but soon got over it. Yet, I still believe he likes me, though he denies it every time I bring it up. We didn't want things to ruin our friendship, so we set aside the love drama and agreed to just stay friends. I love him, just not that way.

The day finally ended and the bell rang through the whole school.

Students rushed out of the classrooms, meeting up with friends, heading to sports practice, and all that after school shit.

I meet Luke at his car, just ready to go home. It's been a tiring day and it's not even Friday yet.

"Let's go home." I begin to walk to his car.

"Wait, Michael's coming home with us. We got band practice at our place. Cool?" His attention is on his phone.

"Sure. Keep it quiet-ish?" I bite my lip, hoping they won't make such a ruckus.

"We'll try." He chuckles.

We both spot a very green-haired boy, walking towards our direction.

"Uh... Nice hair?" My compliment came out more like a question.

"Thanks, you hot today." He smirks at me, observing me up and down.

"Hey, eyes off my baby sister." Luke hits Mikey's shoulder.

"Can't help it." He shoves his hands in his pockets, getting in the car.

Michael and Luke pretty much hated eachother's guts back then. They wanted to kill eachother. They finally settled things down and became good mates. They still get a eachother's throats when it comes down to video games or girls.

"I'm not your baby sister I'm older than you." I protest once Luke gets in the car.

"By a month. And by the way, I'm taller." He puts the key into the ignition.

I scoff, not even gonna fight it. I put on my earbuds, turning up the volume to my music, doing so.

"When I wake up, I'm afraid. Somebody else might take my place.." I softly sing, staring out the car window.

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